School Girl Crushes

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Oh Lord Mia has talked mom and dad into another one of those girl sleepovers for her and her starry eyed friends. Christian and I have to find other things to do this weekend, but I don't think that will be a problem for me, however Christian is grounded lmao. He has begged me to stay around. He can't deal with five giggling females going on twelve eyeballing him, well Mia rolls hers unlike the fluttering eye lashes coming from at least three of her friends. There is only one who acts as if we are mere mortals. Anastasia has her nose in her books most of the time. She is in high school at this point Kate Kavanagh is as well, but this year they are in very different courses. I couldn't believe it when Christian told me she was in one of his classes. Then Anastasia turns up in four of his classes acing all the tests. They aren't the only pre teens attending our private high school, well I am no longer attending it, I am taking courses to become an architect and learning concepts in green development for the future of our planet. So I can't have fun this weekend if I want to get extra credits to get my degree faster. This luckily for Christian is his last year at the school and then he goes to college. I am working on projects all ready and I interned for a construction company. Mom said it is better than doing what I usually do on weekends. I learned a very huge lesson about certain young women and what they might do to try to trap a guy into marriage the hard way. Bring your own condoms, don't trust the women with all the birth control or protection from STD's. I still can't find anything amusing about the situation. All I can say is that certain older women should have warning labels on them. Plus I was drunk and drugged. Dad had to take me to the ER after Mrs Louann Johnson and her best friend Elena dropped me off in the street in front of my home and sped away. The motion lights came on and security spotted me laying in the street and got me just before another car just barely missed running over me. Mom was on duty and was very mad and I had to be given charcoal after they did a blood test and checked my eyes. They want to arrest the responsible party but I have said who it was. I did however make sure they didn't get their claws in my brother or his friends or Anastasia,s brothers. Kate's brother however is another issue, Ethan started all this. What I didn't know was that they were into BDSM and the younger the better. It didn't take long before everything came to the light if day. Both women became pregnant with my children apparently and they said I raped them. Evidence later proved otherwise. Like them videotaping it and their husbands private investigators being allowed to release proof of what really happened. There were no babies, they both had their tubes tied. But that didn't come out until later. They admitted to poking holes is the condoms they used. I mean I wouldn't know since Zi was drunk and drugged along being cuffed to a bed naked and they hit me with whips and a few other things. I saw everything and I mean everything done to me and not just by Louann and Elena. They brought in others. I will never do that again. Allow myself to get into a situation like that. They were trying to get a huge settlement from my parents. Luckily mr Johnson and mr Lincoln didn't like the fact their wives were committing adultery. The final straw was the two fifteen year old twins they brought into their dungeons on a regular basis. They were finally arrested in the process of going after another couple of fifteen year olds and the twins set them up. They were caught in the act in their respective homes. Lily couldn't show her face for a while, but luckily mr Rodriguez was still her caretaker and decided she needed to go to a safe place and he had his sister take her in until the paparazzi settled down. I have no idea what happened with mr Lincoln and his children, I think they were out of the house anyway. I am surprised Elena didn't have sex with him. Then we found out she did. Anyway the pre teens are buzzing about this whole weekend. Carson and Colin came over to check things out. I think they were checking Leila, Lily, Mia and Kate out. The triplets came along with Elizabeth and Ray to chat with mom and dad before they took the others to a toy store for birthday gifts.
Elliott laughs every time I get the fluttering eyes. Kate flutters at him more than me, she thinks I am an irritating butthole. I wished Lily and Leila would get that image of me as well. I look over and the nerd of the group has her face in a technology book. I grab it and run off with it. She chases after me trying to get it, but at five foot minus a few inches she can't reach it. I am like six foot four inches tall. Mia hollers for mom and says I am annoying her friends. I throw the book back to Anastasia and it hits her in a very bad place. I really didn't hit her that hard, but she collapses. I feel so guilty as mom says the book had nothing to do with her blacking out. Luckily Ray and Elizabeth are here and she is taken to the hospital. No one would tell me anything just that she came to and it was a personal thing. Later I heard something I didn't want to hear. She was anemic and her cycle caused it to exasperate the condition and they had to treat it right away. She missed the girls weekend.I apologized to her and sent her flowers. Mom said it was nice of me, but it wasn't necessary. So now Anastasia has to be careful to take iron and eat iron rich foods. I sat here waiting for news while Mia and Kate rolled their eyes at me and Lily and Leila fluttered their eyes at me. Elliott just kept laughing even though they were all fluttering their eyes at him except for Mia that is. Finally the weekend was over and Anastasia was back in school. I brought her her books at the hospital with mom and dad's permission and she told me exactly what had happened and why she fainted and went into some mind numbing scientific reasons for her fainting. I just nodded and smile, she is rather cute, but way too young for me. She is six years younger than me and that is way too young. She developed faster than her friends and if you didn't know her age you would think she was sixteen a very tiny sixteen years old though. I am sitting here when an odd looking man walked into the room. He looked over at Anastasia and the look he gave her was sinister. He pretended to be making a call about the wrong room and I noticed him looking at her chart to verify the name on it. He left after what appeared to be him taking photos of her chart. He left after apologizing for the interruption. I told Ray and he asked to see the hospital footage of the man.
Unknown man
I look at the photos of the girl and I need to prove she is the heir to the Baker family estate. Mr Baker is dying and wants his brothers child to have the estate. It should have been hers anyway. It took this long to find her, I am glad he changed his tune after he got the news of his death being imminent. Now I have raised suspicions and they won't rest now that I have came out of the shadows to confirm the adopted daughter is indeed her mother Carla's look alike with her father's eyes. The DNA sample we were able to pay someone to obtain for us will be the defining moment. Once that it is established she is the last living relative to the Baker family it will be placed in a trust for her until she turns 18. I need to find out if her IQ is as high as her mother and fathers was. We established the parents indeed are dead and the baby her mother was carrying was not drowned with her. The way she was pinned the baby's bones could not have moved anywhere.

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