Baby Blues

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I am sitting n the waiting room to see Dr Greene, I am very nervous. Alexander and I got a little bit drunk after we went back to the office. It turned into more than boss and employee at that point. I don't remember who started the kiss, but I know who forgot to use a condom. Both of us weren't prepared and didn't think of it. So here I am single and Alex and I are just friends and I am his boss, it was a mutual attraction and sexual encounter. I spoke to an attorney about the ramifications of what happened that night and Alex and I went to talk to him together. I don't want sued over it. At first I thought it might be a problem, but then the attorney told Alex he might seek separate counsel on the issue. There is one thing Christian taught me was cctv cameras were a must in any business you run. So we had them put in and they got every area and angle because Barney and Taylor set them all up to assure my safety and others. Little did I know they would become my saving grace in a sexual harassment law suit. I can't fire Alex and I can't believe I might be having his baby.
Alexander Donaldson
I can't believe my luck, I knew I could easily manipulate her and possibly end up owning the catering business.The trust she had in me was so stupid. Granted we work well together, she shouldn't be running this catering company at all. Her skills are subpar to mine. So I used her brother's wedding to take my chance to a add a little thing to her drink amp up her sexual desires. We barely made it into her catering building before we were naked. She wasn't holding back and I found out it was her first time, I feel guilty, but not very much.
I talk to Mia about the situation she found herself in and her attorney should not have encouraged Alexander Donaldson to seek other counsel. I decide to check into his background further and Barney pulls security footage from the catering business and my parents of everything they both did that night together and individually. She calls me and tells me that she is pregnant and Alexander is the father. I tell her we need to let mom and dad know immediately. I tell her not to talk to Alex about this at all. I decide to hire someone to help manage Mia's catering service and to keep an eye on Alexander. It wasn't hard to get the cream of the crop to work for Grey catering as a manager and then a chef in place of Mia while we investigate. It is best she steer clear of her own business until this is cleared up. I decide to have her sign over all her interest in it along with her assets until this is resolved. Dad and I got our heads together with his and my staff of attorneys.
After we settled down and listened to the whole story and saw where Alexander put something in Mia's drink not only at the wedding, but he also put something in her drink at her catering company. He made the first move. We have the smoking gun, we need to find out if this is something he has done before and fast. We need to contain this information. Did he sign an NDA when he was hired?
Yes, it is in the office and in the safe and Barney scanned it into the computer and the main server he set up for us so Christian knew when I was having issues with the business. So the have an independent server in the same building his at an offsite location. He said it was best to keep a server offsite and it also has all security footage from the catering company.
Okay the baby, talk to us about what your thoughts are on our grand baby?
I want to keep it, but I want limited access allowed to Alexander. He doesn't know yet and I want to keep it from him as long as possible. But be prepared for a law suit for sexual harassment and he is definitely going to make it known via paparazzi.
All I can say is that you need to have more security at this point. We can have you work in another location. I can have a building I own and really don't need, it would be perfect for you to set up a second location and my being the owner, you can just run it. Say the word and we can go see it and modify it like the other building. Plus it has apartments in it you can move into the penthouse lol. At least until the baby is born.
I haven't seen Mia in a week and noticed a new catering business set to open in an older building on the nicer side of town very close to GEH and some of the bigger companies. Prime location and Grey construction is doing the remodel. It also is going have office space and apartments. The last time we were in the same room together was when we went to an attorney about what happened between us. He recommended that I get my own attorney. I have one on speed dial just for this kind of situation and Mia just so happens to have a billionaire as a brother. Me getting this company from her was going to be easy. She hardly notices much around her because she is way too busy, so putting something in her drinks. I can't believe how easy it was, but I was shocked that she was a virgin. I don't know how I could not have known that. Now I need to get into her office and destroy that NDA. I finally get the chance when Denise Roberts came in and opened up the office, she hired a new chef in Mia's position. We have a new name and a new owner now. We have to sign NDA's for the new company. The old ones are still effect and are being transferred out immediately. I try to get in to see my files but I am blocked by a huge body guard. All the records are being taken and scanned into a server off site and only certain people will have access to them.
If there is nothing else get back to work now please, there are cakes waiting for you to finish. I am not your previous boss, so you won't have it as easy as you did before now. Chef Finn O'Connell will be watching your work so he can train to work along side you and fill in if necessary. He just graduated from culinary school that trained him thoroughly in every aspect of catering, wedding cakes, pastries, and all types of meals. Pretty much someone who can do it all unlike you. You only do pastries and cakes right? Hmmm might need to rethink your salary if you are wasting time standing in my office hoping to destroy your NDA you signed with Mia Grey. Why is that? Why are you wanting it anyway, it isn't like you can run to the press anyway, right Samuel Smith or is it Tyrone Ashford?
Finn O'Connell
Hey Denise I am ready to start working on the wedding cakes. I introduce myself to Alexander whatever his name is. I brought my own staff with me and we are ready to hit the ground running. I sign my NDA and all my paperwork and we are finished, I made sure Alex sees my salary is a lot more than his. Mr Grey hid his ownership under the Rekab company name he kept the name just for things like this. I whistle as I go find an area to set up my staff who have signed all their paperwork at GEH. We just wanted a show of who is who at this company lol.

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