Five 18 Year Olds

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It was going to rough seeing Leila after everything we found out, but we could not leave her out of the 18 year old birthday party. Her parents assured everyone she was cleared to go back to normal routines. It was thought it would be a good thing to have a birthday celebration for the five us turning 18. Lily wasn't so thrilled about it all. All the friends and sone co workers were invited to it. This year they threw it to celebrate graduations and birthdays combined at the Mile High Club Christian had bought a few years back. They planned a huge bash for all of us.
I talked Christian into throwing the party and family and friends are invited. They had to assure they didn't go beyond what the Fire Marshall allowed, so we couldn't invite that many people. Friends and families were the most, Anastasia had the most family and a few nerd friends. It amazed me that she invited her boss Barney. He is two years older than she is. He just happens to be head of IT at GEH. Christian was shocked he left his electronic world to join the human race for such an event. I couldn't take my eyes off the most amazing looking guy I have ever seen as Anastasia introduces Barney to all of us. Her family has told us he might be a nerd but he doesn't look like one. I had no idea he could be a GQ model. All our friends have surrounded him and he is delightfully shy. That means he doesn't date much if any at all. I make move to get him away from the other friends of mine. Christian whispers to me to don't do anything that would make him quit GEH.
Oh this was such a huge mistake, but Anastasia insisted I get out and meet a few of her friends and her dad wants him to meet Armistice. Apparently Armistice is a computer geek and has heard of Me and wants to meet me. So here I am after seeing her picture and being told she has a young son Albert as in Einstein I think his middle name is Einstein. He is almost three I think. I can deal with that. I brought a toy that I made especially for him. I made sure it was self contained and able to withstand a lot before it might break. A robotic turtle mobile. He can ride in it with seatbelts and his mom can drive it remotely. He can't get out of it while it is rolling. I added extra safety precautions and he owns the prototype. My patents are my own, but I have to give a share to GEH if I want to get them to market. Which is fine by me mr Grey is pretty generous when it comes to these kind of situations. He can afford to be since he can buy in mass he gets a great deal. The parts we need will need to be quality at a cheap price. I am enjoying the attention, but not sure if Armistice is enjoying herself.
I have to keep a level head the last guy was nice looking too and used me and left me pregnant and I had to come back to the US to have my baby. Then I called uncle Ray and he told me to come live with them for a while. That was two years ago and I am still living there. Anastasia has moved into a small home she had built and helped design with Elliott Grey, Barney and Ray. Her trust fund kicked in and she was so happy to move out of her sisters bedroom and so is her sister. Albert and I sharing a room is getting a bit much so when Carson and Colin moved into an apartment we moved into those rooms. Elizabeth watches Albert while I am finishing my college degree and my part time job. Anastasia seems to have endless supply of cash due to her long lost relative. I don't know the story there and don't want to.
I am watching as Barney is enamored with Armistice. He is showing a lot of interest in her son Albert. Leila comes and stands by me and says he is a hot guy isn't he? Yes and I wished I had met him first, but Anastasia met him first, but he is her boss. She isn't the least interested in him.
It looks like Armistice isn't that interested we should go join them and see what happens. Lily looks at me like I have two heads. I go over and she follows, make hay while the sun is shining and it is shining brightly. My medication finally works very well. I finally feel like a normal person.
I am with Constance today, she asked to join me at the birthday party and graduation party for all the five friends. Constance is still free lancing or playing the field. I know Christian has not been dating and so does she. But I also know he doesn't want her back. I see a few new faces and head to get an introduction to them. I see a young boy riding in what looks like a turtle, the young woman behind him is handling what looks like a remote control of some type. The turtle moves as she moves something in the controller. I make my introductions even though the guy behind her frowns at me. He introduces himself as Barney Miller. Like I care who he is. I then ask her more questions and he gets the hint. He tells her he going to mingle and she frowns and ask him to wait a moment.
Well Ethan it was nice to meet you, but I was in the middle of something with Barney if you don't mind I would like to continue my conversation with him. Maybe we can catch up later, your date seems to be bored, might want to see about entertaining her. Prick. Of course the prick is in my thoughts alone. Barney is more my speed. A guy who brings a woman to a party and leaves her to fend for herself is not someone I want to have around me or my son.
Where were we then I smile because she just made my year. We spend the entire time talking and entertaining Albert. I get her phone number and actually get her car seat from Rays van and we drive around and feed Albert. I love children and I think we could be more than friends after talking to her we have a lot in common. Ray reminded me of how protective he is and I told him not to worry, I am not the love them and them type.
Ethan got the hint and left me alone, but he also left his date to her own devices. I noticed her finally head for the Grey brothers which turned out badly for her. Then she headed to some other guys, one laughed and the other one just said enough to cause her to slap him. She left in a cab I am presuming. Ethan then attempted an approach on Anastasia. I saw Anastasia laugh and tell him something he wasn't happy about what she said I swear it looked like he was going to punch her. Ray walked over and told him something and he turned bright red and decided to leave.
I can't believe you said that to him Anastasia.
Why, it is true isn't it? He sleeps with anything with a pulse. So does Constance, well a pulse and a billion dollar checking account. Hopefully just male though.
You think she swings both ways?
I think the dollars in her eyes can be blinded if you know my meaning.
What did Ray tell my dear brother?
He told him, I was a lethal weapon and have a license to carry a concealed weapon. He said I have black belts in several types of self defense and that is why he should leave me along otherwise he might lose use of his favorite joystick. Lol
Lmao I knew I should have gone to training with you. Still training?
Whenever I can, Mia has been training as well. Leila started so she can get a few anger issues calmed down it seems to be working. You are welcome to join our group. Lily has other things going on or she would go as well.
How is your home coming along?
Let's go ask Elliott while he is free from the drooling ladies.
Anastasia and Kate are headed my way, I am betting she wants an update on her home. Kate is looking darn good, but eight years younger is just kind of weird to me. Plus she is like a kid sister a very hot kid sister.
I know these two like each other but it is the age difference that is keeping them apart. I ask Elliott about the house and he says we finally got that blasted part for the special design I implemented into the plans. It will be ready next week. If all goes well. I tell him that is great and Christian comes to my rescue yet again. We walk away talking about something stupid at work. He grabs my hand and we walk to the back area of the club. I chuckle and he laughs because on my real 18 th birthday he threw me a private party in his office. He asked me out when I turned seventeen, we have been keeping our dating secret. We haven't made official yet, but we definitely are a couple. The ring is hanging on a chain around my neck. We plan to announce it after we get married this weekend in Las Vegas. How it happened was very strange. We were working a lot while Barney was gone and I forgot my birthday and Christian asked me out, but he had things set up in his office. A birthday cake and gifts for me. That was so nice I kissed his cheek and he kissed me on the lips. Things got heated after he kissed me. We didn't go much further than kissing that night. We would find a way to see each other and it was getting hard to do especially when his mom and dad wanted to fix him up with every debutant they came across. I would go over and there and there they were fawning all over my boyfriend and I would get angry about it and stomp out. He would tell me that once I was 18 we could bring it out into the open. I see his point, but I put my foot down about the girls his parents set him up with. Constance sure made an excellent choice, someone that would give her a run for her money. Apparently rumor has it that before Christian she was dating a guy dads age and he broke it off because he was dying and didn't want her around him in that condition. Christian broke it off with her soon after our sweet sixteen party.
I am going to marry Anastasia this weekend and announce it after we come back from our honeymoon. I scheduled a month off for both of us, she doesn't know yet. Andrea, Roz and Barney are the only ones who know about it. I had HR handle how her ay will be made for the month since she is due a month off with pay anyway. I already bought the property next to her and I am having a huge home built on it as a surprise for our first wedding anniversary. I had staff go pack her clothing and toiletries for the trip we leave tonight. Jason and Gail are going with us. Gail was hired shortly after Jason and they are a couple. We have six bodyguards with us. Four men and two women.

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