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Thorin crossed his arms, looking at his sister coolly, "I don't trust this. The elves have never once done anything to help us." Dis frowned, "Their intentions may not be selfless, but she is a dwarf- of royal blood at that. She is one of us, Thorin, she can't help that the elves took her in. They all but dropped her off at our doorstep," Thorin watched the young dwarf through the cavern's vast opening, "She may stay." He turned away, "But until I see her with Kili and Fili, I won't make anything final." Dis just smiled, turning her back to find her two sons.

Raynne sat by the few flowers that grew, looking at the ground anxiously, "I don't want to live with dwarves I've never met! And live in a cave, I don't want to be auctioned off in marriage to-" Elrond set his hand on her wrist, "Peace, Raynne. I know you think this arrangement disagreeable, but you deserve to be with your own kind. Thorin Oakenshield is a fine King, if only prideful and untrusting. He may seem harsh, but I'm sure he will warm up to you. Besides that, the King's nephew's are around your age, and I'm sure you'll get along fine." Raynne opened her mouth to protest, just as a dwarf appeared from within the deep cavern. She knew female dwarves had beards, but it still caught her off guard seeing it for herself. "Lord Elrond," the dwarf spoke, "Thorin is unable to meet with you today, though he sends his best regards and thanks you for returning Raynne to her own kind." Elrond exchanged an amused glance with Raynne, knowing Thorin wasn't thankful or sending best regards to an elf any time soon. "Thank you, Dis," Elrond squeezed her hand. Dis was no fan of elves either, but this was a step towards peace. Elrond turned to Raynne, "Peace, young one. It was an honor to care for you, but you will see you belong here." He turned away, nodding to Dis before mounting his horse once again. He stopped, "Keep the pony. He is fond of you," Raynne felt her heart rise slightly. She knew she didn't fit in anywhere, but her pony had brought some comfort.

"Come along, Raynne. I am Dis, Thorin's sister." Dis didn't want to seem hovering, and she knew she had no reason to not trust this girl. "If you come with me, I will have someone take your pony. And then you can meet the Princes. I'll let them give you a tour." Dis looked her over, admiring her Elven-made dress. Raynne pulled her hood down, squinting in the dimly lit cave, secretly wondering how there was room for ponies in here. "Thorin will meet with you- eventually- he has a lot on his plate right now." Raynne got the feeling Thorin didn't want her to be here, though being outdoors most of the time already looked better than being in a massive castle all day.

Two dwarves appeared shortly after, both looking eager. "These are my sons," Both dwarves bowed awkwardly, now beaming. Raynne looked them over, noticing instantly that they were not the fat or ugly like the dwarves she had known. "Fili," the blond one nodded, "This is Kili, my younger brother," The younger one smiled shyly, but there was something in his eyes.

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