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Thorin looked out over the water, mounting his pony once agajn. "It's beautiful," Raynne's eyes traveled along the landscape, taking it all in. "Yes," Thorin sighed, "Though I hope one day you will see the beauty of Erebor," Kili and Fili exhanged a glance, "Do you think the day will come?" Thorin didn't answer, just turned his pony around, "It's getting late. We should head back," Raynne moved to look at Kili, just as a rush of footsteps sounded beyond the trees. Kili had just drawn his bow, as an orc jumped on Kili. His pony spun, spooked by the new weight, sending the dwarf and the orc plummeting to the ground. Thorin was already raising his sword to fend off another, while Fili chased another through the trees. Kili grunted as he kicked at his attacker, struggling under it's weight advantage. Raynne was already dismounted, diving for Kili's bow. She loaded it, drew back and hit the flailing orc in the leg. The creature screamed as it took in it's injury, giving the dwarf prince enough time to draw his sword and finish the fight. Kili drew a deep breath, looking over to Raynne gratefully, "Are you alright?" She brushed him off, looking him over anxiously. "Fine, I'm fine," he was still catching his breath. "Kili, you're bleeding," Fili came cantering back through the trees, breathing heavy, "From what I can see there was only four. I chased the last two down. I don't know where they came from," Thorin mumbled something before turning to Kili, "You need to get that looked at. Be sure nothing was dipped in poison." Raynne's heart sank, meeting Fili's eyes. Kili climbed back onto his saddle, "I'm fine, it's just a scratch," Raynne tucked Kili's bow back onto his shoulder, still eyeing his cut nervously. It was deep, but it the blade wasn't poisoned, though he was losing a lot of blood. Thorin headed back to the caves, feeling a pit in his stomach that something was wrong. Fili joined him, while Raynne assured them she would be sure Kili made it home.

She walked her pony quietly along beside Kili, watching him closely. "I'm not injured," The dwarf raised his eyebrows in an amused smile. "Your scarlet sleeve would say otherwise," Kili glanced down and shrugged, "I've had worse," "Kili!" Raynne scolded him, "That's not making it any better," she let out a laugh, "You dwarves and your stubbornness " Kili smirked, "Last time I checked," he turned ti face her, "You were also a dwarf," "Precisely why I'm making sure you get that taken care of." Kili didn't argue, knowing it was impossible to win with her, anyway. The pair stayed quiet as they watched the wind through the trees, "Thank you," He finally broke the silence, "For saving me," Raynne smiled to herself, "Anytime, your Majesty," Kili shook his head, despite his playful smile, "Now really, don't call me that," He nudged her, before urging his pony to a trot.

Raynne pulled Arrow to a stop, losing her breath at the sight of the bodies in front of her. Two dwarves lay dead, beside four orcs. "What happened-" Raynne gasped, feeling the blood rush from her face. Thorin kicked an orc's helmet off the rocks, sending it into the water below, "They ambushed. They were looking for us." Fili was covering the dwarf bodies with a white cloth, while the orcs would be burned. "Dwalin, Balin and Bofur were here, thankfully." Thorin breathed, "They defended well," Raynne looked down at the bodies covered by the sheets, her stomach turning. She didn't even know their names. Thorin moved to speak again, just as Kili collapsed, sliding off his pony.

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