A Day Of His Own

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hi, everyone!! this oneshot book will be specific to bugronica! please keep in mind that my story 'always & forever' also has some bugronica oneshots (which will be listed in the comments) as well! enjoy!!


His name was called out in a gentle voice, sounding somewhat song-like. A kiss on Jughead's temple begat his eyes opening, smiling when he saw Veronica laying beside him. "Happy birthday, baby," she smiled, sliding her palm over the side of his face.

"Thanks, Ronnie," he smiled before looking to his left, noticing a missing blonde. "Where's Betty?" asked Jughead as he sat up slightly, brushing his hand through his hair. Veronica smiled and started to get up from the bed, tying her blue satin robe around her waist

The suddenly audible sounds of bowls clattering and grease popping downstairs almost answered for the raven-haired woman. "She's downstairs making us breakfast," she answered before waving her boyfriend to stand as well.

He did and soon, the two were walking downstairs, Veronica's hand resting on the small of the Jones man's back as they walked into the kitchen. Jughead smiled, seeing Betty in a 1950s-era apron as she flipped pancakes.

The kitchen table was filled with almost every breakfast food imaginable, narrated by the blonde's chuckled comment of, "Don't let the spread overwhelm you." "You did all this yourself, Betts?" Jughead asked, amazed.

She smiled and gave a humble nod, giggling as he stepped closer and wrapped an arm around her waist, letting their lips meet. "You two," Veronica swooned behind them, her clasped hands beneath her chin.

Betty chuckled before turning to face her girlfriend, pointing to a nearby counter and remarking, "V, I have your mimosa over here, and Juggie, your coffee's brewing." "Here, Betts, let me help," Jughead offered, going to the cabinet with plates only for Betty to clear her throat and motion toward the table.

It was already fully set with only the pancakes left to worry about. "It's all been taken care of, love," she smiled. "All you have to worry about is sitting down and enjoying your birthday breakfast."

Ten minutes later, that's exactly what he was doing; smiling with his and Veronica's hands laced together while Betty brought over the plate of stacked pancakes, kissing the top of the raven-haired woman's head as she sipped from her mimosa.

"You've outdone yourself, B," Veronica chuckled once the blonde had sat down. "Thank you for all this," the Lodge woman added. Betty chuckled, replying, "Of course! I hope you guys like it. Especially you, birthday boy," the blonde smiled, her hand beneath Jughead's chin.

He smiled, filling his plate with different options from around the table's surface; sunny-side-up eggs, bacon, fruit, toast, and of course pancakes. "You know, as much as I appreciate this, Betts, I wish you would've made something for you two to eat," he quipped, making his girlfriends laugh.

"I figured you'd say something like that," Betty replied before taking some food for herself. "So, Jug," Veronica started to say, covering her mouth with her hand as she chewed her toast. "What's on your agenda for the day?"

"That's...a great question," the Jones man replied before bringing his coffee mug to his mouth. "I...have no idea." Betty smiled and reached her hand out for his forearm, asking, "Well, what sounds fun for the day?"

"Maybe a movie?" he answered as he cut a piece of pancake for himself. "I'd hate to be too high maintenance." "Um, hello, have you met me?" Veronica joked, looking at her boyfriend as Betty laughed in response.

"This is your day, Juggie, be as picky as you want," the blonde encouraged with a smile. "You two spoil me," he chuckled, looking between the two women. "You do the same for us on our birthdays," Veronica commented.

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