Tales Of The Exes

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after 5x15, i am a proud bettydrake shipper. also, is sophia tatum's character named gillian drake? yes. do i constantly call her drake? yes. enjoy!🥰

"Okay, I'll be right back. Hopefully, I can remember where I parked," Drake chuckled to Betty, who held the last box in her hands. "Okay," the blonde smiled, leaning into the rolled-down window to kiss her girlfriend and say, "Love you."

"Love you too," Drake smiled before the moving truck was driving off. Betty watched for a moment before walking into the new house and setting the box on the closest counter. The whole place was lined with moving boxes sparing the wrapped-up furniture.

Betty, who used to be a creature of routine, was excited about the new chapter she and Drake were taking in their lives; not only moving in together after ten-or-so months of dating but into a new house nonetheless.

The blonde walked into the living room, peeling the clear plastic tarp from the light green turquoise couch and bundling it into her arms, taking it over to the recycling bin. She found it best to get a headstart on unpacking, opening the top box of a stack beside the couch.

As its exterior marking--Drake's scribbly, all-caps handwriting spelling out "BOOKS"--would suggest, the cardboard cube was filled with the couple's books. Inside this first box was an alternation of Betty's and Drake's collections.

The brunette of the two had some of her pseudoscience textbooks stacked beneath Betty's classics and Drake's various physics texts contrasting nicely with the Cooper woman's poetry books.

Betty sighed lightheartedly and brought the box over to the looming bookshelf against the wall, setting the box on the closest counter. Now, she was faced with the question: how, oh, how was she going to sort them?

She figured they could alternate shelves; the first would be Drake's because she was taller, then Betty'd take to the second shelf. Drake would have the third and so on. But now she had to figure out what went on which shelf.

Starting to slightly get overwhelmed, the blonde walked over to the original stack of boxes beside the couch and opened them all, laying out everything that was to go on the bookshelf so she could group them together.

"Astro, atomic, electromagnetism, geo, Newtonian, subatomic, thermodynamic, quantum," Betty mumbled to herself, listing the physics books alphabetically. "Perfect," she smiled counting just enough to fit on one shelf.

With heavy breaths, she carried the stack over to the aforementioned counter and started sliding them into place on the top shelf, stretching her torso to reach. It was a slight struggle, having to hold the books up while putting a new one beside them, but eventually, the first shelf had been filled.

Betty continued for another half-hour, sorting her books alphabetically by author or poet because the idea of having them separate deeply bothered her. The Cooper woman was sitting criss-cross on the floor when Drake returned, sorting her girlfriend's comic books.

"Well aren't you quite the librarian?" the dark-haired woman joked, walking into the living room with a smile. "I'm a little sad you started all the fun of unpacking without me." "Aw, don't be. You missed almost nothing," the blonde chuckled.

She stood up to start putting Drake's comic books on the fifth row. "You need help?" Drake asked, going towards the next box in the stack and opening it. "Well, what's this, I wonder?" she asked, taking out a white scrapbook with pink around its spine.

Betty turned and chuckled, her eyes somewhat lighting up when she saw it. "It's my old memory album, back when I was in high school," the Cooper woman answered, coming over to gently take the book from her girlfriend's hands sitting on the couch and opening it slowly.

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