Sex & Salvation

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"heaven is a bedroom" is a masterpiece, idc. enjoy!!

Song Credit: "Heaven Is a Bedroom" by TV Girl


"V, V, wait," Betty breathed out, gently pushing Veronica's head back. "What's wrong, are you okay?" the Lodge woman asked, her hands planted on each side of Betty's hips as the red-faced blonde panted, trying to catch her breath.

"I just...came four a row," she said, chuckling as best she could. "I need a break from your mouth." Veronica chuckled and trailed her hand up the Cooper woman's thigh. "You want me to get that pretty strap of ours?" she asked, her voice sultry.

"I want a breather," Betty replied, fanning herself with her hand. "And then I can...return your favor." "No, baby, that's okay," Veronica replied, laying beside the blonde and grabbing the cup of ice water from the bedside table.

"Here," she offered to Betty, seeing the blonde's shaky hand reach for the cup and drink from it. "Are you okay?" the Lodge woman asked, brushing her hand through Betty's hair. "Yeah," she nodded.

"That was just...a lot. I'm just kind of...sensitive," she answered. "You're sure you don't want me to do anything for you?" "I'm sure, B," Veronica answered before kissing her temple. "Is there anything I can get you or do for you?"

"No, I'm...I'm good," she answered. "I think I just need some rest." "Fair enough," Veronica chuckled, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's waist and laying her head on top of the blonde's tank top.

They fell asleep just like that, cuddled together with Betty's breathing slowly returning to its normal pace. Veronica took a bit longer to fall asleep, her head in the crook of Betty's neck as she tried to shut her mind up.

Of course, that's never as easy as desired, but it'd be a lie to say she felt worse than before she trapped her head between Betty's thighs. She didn't know what it was about sex, Veronica always managed to cheer herself up when she had somebody's skin against her own.

Two hours later when Betty woke up, Veronica wasn't beside her and Jughead had come home, reading in the chair across the room. "Morning, sleepyhead. Well, evening," he joked as the blonde stirred and stretched.

"Morning," she mumbled back with a smile. "Where's Ronnie?" she asked as Jughead stood up and walked over. "She had some work to do with the casino," Jughead answered, sitting beside Betty's legs and leaning down to kiss her.

"When did she leave?" Betty wondered aloud, stretching her arm. "About an hour ago," he answered before starting to move the covers back. "Wait, don't," the blonde interjected, holding the sheet. "What's wrong?" he asked, eyebrows furrowed. "Nothing, I just don't have anything on underneath."

The Jones man quirked an eyebrow and chuckled airly, leading Betty to elaborate, "V pretty much sucked the life out of me before she left," "Oh," was all Jughead said, chuckling slightly as Betty sat up in bed. "Can you hand me those?" she asked, motioning to her sweatpants.

He did and Betty dressed herself, asking, "How was work, babe?" "Fine," he answered, kissing the top of her head. She smiled and asked, "Do you know when Ronnie's coming back?" "No, I'm not sure," he answered. " I'm right here, loves," Veronica said from the doorway, smiling.

She came further into the room as Betty smiled and greeted, "Hey, V." "How was work?" Jughead asked as the Lodge woman deposited herself into his lap. "Stressful," she answered with a sigh.

She kissed his lips and smiled, hearing Jughead chuckle, "And you're still staminous as ever." Veronica smiled, looking over to her girlfriend and asking, "Oh, she told you?" Betty smiled and Jughead nodded before the Lodge woman was leaning close to Jughead's ear.

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