Outside Ordinary

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i had to look up if something i put in here is actually physically possible and apparently...it is? enjoy!


The room was dim with all lights off and candles lit; quiet, too with only the shuffling of bedsheets and the sounds of Veronica getting ready. "Are you nervous?" Jughead asked between kisses, Betty sat straddling his lap atop their covers.

She nodded with a smile, tucking her hair behind her ear and responding, "Kind of," with a small chuckle. "I won't do anything he hasn't done with you," Veronica clarified from the open bathroom, securing the different attachments around her waist.

"But if you change your mind, let me know, okay, babe?" the Lodge woman asked sincerely, looking at her lovers on the bed. "Yeah, of course," Betty replied before turning back to her boyfriend.

They continued to kiss, almost stalling until Veronica was fully ready. The Jones man put his hand on the side of the blonde's neck as his other met her core, rubbing her gently through the thin material of her panties.

She moaned quietly into his lips, starting to grind against his hand. "Do you like that?" he asked against her ear after taking his lips from hers and putting them on her neck. "Yeah," she sighed in response, getting rewarded with his thumb against her clit drawing small circles.

She mewled, her hands on his shoulders holding tight. "More," she mumbled, her eyes closed and bottom lip beneath her teeth. With a small chuckle, Jughead lowered Betty back onto the bed, making sure she was comfortable before kissing around her stomach.

Betty smiled, looking at her boyfriend leaving affectionate kisses around her waist before catching a glimpse of Veronica adjusting her harness in the mirror and smiling. The two had never tried this before and while Betty was excited, she wasn't sure what to expect.

Her attention was pulled back to Jughead when he began to pull her panties down with his teeth, making the blonde chuckle at the gesture. His hands held his girl's hips, keeping her close before his tongue was creating a path down her need.

Betty gasped softly, her hand holding his hair gently while he sucked and nipped at her flesh. Her free hand covered her mouth as her eyes rolled back, creating the sound of muffled moans. "You know we like to hear you," Veronica said, leading the blonde to look at her.

She had her hands on the harness, tightening the straps around her hips as Betty put her hand on the covers rather than her lips. "Just like that, baby," she whispered, watching Jughead's tongue worship her.

It was an ironic situation, she realized, for Jughead to only use his mouth on her and for Veronica to be the one to fully take her; it was as if they had switched places.

Her thoughts distracted her, but she was brought back to reality when the Jones man's tongue wet her clit before he was pulling away to blow cold air on her. She shuddered and his mouth was quick to rewarm her.

The Cooper woman's breaths became heavier as she closed her eyes and whimpered in bliss. Jughead's lips latched onto his girlfriend's clit and she whined, keeping his suction just right until a hand trailing up his bare, warm back eased him away and moved to his chin.

"Let me taste our girl," Veronica said, her voice coated in seduction before she brought the Jones man's lips to her own. Their tongues danced and Betty watched in desperation, her legs now perched with her knees together.

The raven-haired lovers departed with a shared chuckle before Jughead moved to lay on his side beside Betty while Veronica's knees dug into the mattress, her hips between the blonde's knees. "It's not too big, is it?" Veronica asked, tucking her hair behind her ear.

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