Draped In Pastels

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def channeled the energy from my 'alone together' oneshot, "sunlight" for this one! enjoy!


"Can you hand me that, lovely?" Veronica asked the blonde on the floor, pointing to a paint roller behind Betty. She nodded and handed it to Veronica, who smiled and remarked, "Thank you, angel."

Betty giggled in response, watching the Lodge woman dip the roller in a bin of pastel pink paint. Veronica, Betty, and Jughead had made sure when they were looking for a house to find one with an extra bedroom.

After a few months of having been moved in, they decided to finally put that extra bedroom to use--building Betty her own age regression nursery. Betty had spent some free time combing through internet shops to find decor or looking up pastel hex codes for paint, sending whatever she could find straight to her cart.

Veronica had even commissioned a special kind of bed frame from Archie; one that slightly resembled a crib, but around the size of a full bed and with bars not much taller than the mattress.

When he questioned it, Jughead said it was a set-piece for one of Jellybean's films, and of course, that was good enough for the oblivious Andrews man.

And now the three found themselves in the room, a tarp against the carpet that Betty sat upon. "You sure you don't wanna go out and watch TV? It might get kinda boring for a while," Jughead asked, crouching down in front of Betty with his palm against her cheek.

"Nuh-uh!" she answered, smiley. Jughead chuckled and kissed the top of her head sweetly, replying, "Okay, honey. Whatever you want." Veronica started to coat one of the walls with paint, dragging the roller up and down, over the pieces of tape laid down to protect the white trims.

"Pretty," Betty smiled, watching the once beige walls become pink. "I'd sure hope," Veronica chuckled before looking over her shoulder. "You were the one to pick it out." Jughead chuckled and picked up a brush of his own to start painting another wall.

"If my girls have one thing, it's good taste," he remarked, making both Betty and Veronica chuckle. Betty looked around the empty room before getting on her knees and waddling over to the bin of paint and dipping a nearby brush in it.

She sat back on her heels and gently dragged it up and down an empty space, getting Veronica's attention. "Aww, thank you, little helper," she chuckled. "You know what, I think," Jughead paused, coming over to the two with a chuckle before helping Betty onto his shoulders.

She giggled as he stood up, making sure Veronica was acting as some sort of a back stand. "This spot up here needs some color. You think you can reach that?" he asked, laughter laced within his voice as Veronica and Betty smiled.

The blonde dragged the paint onto the wall, smiling and giggling. "All done!" she cheered once she'd gotten enough color on one space that Veronica could go over with her roller later. "You did such a good job, precious," the Lodge woman smiled, kissing the blonde's cheek as she was lowered to the ground slowly.

"Here, baby, you want me to get you your crayons and coloring book?" Jughead asked, watching Betty lay down on her stomach and lay her head on her arms. She nodded and the Jones man left the room to get her materials.

Veronica dipped the roller into the paint again and dragged it to meet the splotch Betty had painted with a smile. "I really hope you like the room once it's done, lovely," she said before looking over to Betty.

"I will!" she responded as Jughead walked back in with her coloring book and box of crayons. "Here, princess," he said, setting her things down. "Thank you," she smiled, flipping open to a random page and sitting upright.

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