Songs From Birds

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we're ignoring proximity contagion for this, okay? okay. enjoy!

CW: emetophobia


Betty woke up to the sounds of birds chirping outside the window, making her smile slightly against one of her lover's torsos. She felt arms wrapped around her and felt safe, her eyes still closed as she nuzzled the fabric of someone's shirt with her cheek.

"Mama," she mumbled happily. "No, baby, it's Daddy," she heard Jughead chuckle in response, his hand starting to brush through her hair gently. "Daddy," she corrected with a smile before sniffling and gasping slightly. "What's wrong, bun?" he asked, shifting slightly.

"Stuffy," she answered, trying once again to breathe in through her nose, but feeling blocked. "Aww, I'm sorry, hon. Let's see if we have some medicine for you, okay?" the Jones man asked before reaching over for his phone and calling Veronica, who was downstairs.

"Hey, babe, can you see if we have any decongestant down there?" he asked into the line. Betty couldn't hear Veronica's response, but Jughead replied, "Okay, great, could you bring it up?"

A few minutes later, Veronica walked in with a glass of ice water and a pack of capsules. "Good morning, angel," she smiled at Betty, who was lying against Jughead's chest with her eyes now open. "Hi, Mama," Betty replied, slight grabby hands aimed in the direction of the cup.

"So it's you who isn't feeling well," the Lodge woman concluded. "I'm sorry, baby." "It okay," she replied with a yawn as Veronica climbed onto the bed. She handed the pills and water to Jughead and kissed the blonde's forehead, furrowing her eyebrows after the fact.

"You feel warm," she noticed. "Is there anything else bothering you, honey?" "Hot," Betty answered, slightly kicking the blankets away. "Okay, let's get these off you," Jughead said, taking the blankets from Betty's lap and legs.

"What else, angel girl?" Veronica asked gently. "Feel sicky," she answered, her body heavy as she coughed into the crease of her arm. "I know, princess, I'm sorry," Veronica sympathized before standing up from the bed.

"I'm gonna get you some stuff you might need and Daddy'll stay here with you, okay?" she suggested Betty nodded, curling into herself slightly. "It's gonna be okay, baby. I promise," Jughead said gently, kissing the top of the blonde's head as she mumbled softly.

Veronica left the room and Jughead heard Betty's attempts at breathing clearly with a heavy heart. She wheezed slightly when she breathed through her mouth and the Jones man was hoping with everything in him that it wasn't a lung infection.

"I love you, princess," Jughead said, kissing the top of Betty's hair sympathetically. "I love you...too, Daddy," she responded, drowsy. "Can you sit up for me?" he asked, taking the water from the nightstand where he'd set it down.

Betty did just that as the Jones man took the pack of pills in his other hand and pushed one through the foil. "Here, take a sip for me, baby," Jughead instructed, holding the glass for the blonde and tipping it back with her head.

She held the water in her mouth with her head still tilted back while Jughead dropped a capsule through her parted lips. She sent it down with closed eyes and a gulp, making grabby hands towards the glass once she brought her head back down.

Jughead chuckled and held the glass as she drank from it. Veronica walked back in with a bucket in one arm and a sippy cup of orange juice in her other hand. "Okay, so," she started to say, setting the bucket on the bed and setting the plastic cup on the right-side nightstand.

She started pulling out a box of tissues, a plastic grocery bag, an ice pack, and some cough syrup before explaining, "You guys already have the decongestant, so here's something for the cough. There's tissues for your nose and a bag to put them in and this," she paused, grabbing the cup.

"Is orange juice with some vitamin powder in it." "Thank you, Mama," Betty mumbled, reaching for her sippy with a simple, "Please?" "Let's get your medicine down first," she responded, unscrewing the cap of the bottle.

She used the cap as a cup and held it for the blonde as she tilted her head back. She swallowed with a sigh and Veronica handed Jughead the sippy cup as Betty reached for it. "Here, baby," the Lodge woman smiled.

"Let Daddy hold it for you." He did and the blonde sipped slowly as Veronica took the bag of ice from the bed. "Let's get this behind your neck to cool you off, bub," she explained, helping the blonde sit up slightly.

She placed the ice pack down and helped her to lay back down before grabbing the bucket. "I'm gonna put this right here in case you need to throw up," Veronica explained, putting the bucket on the floor beside the bed. Betty nodded, still drinking her juice.

"Try to get some rest, babygirl," the raven-haired woman suggested, her hand brushing through blonde locks delicately. Jughead eased the sippy cup away from Betty's lips and set it beside the glass of water before wrapping his arms around his little loosely.

"Just listen to the birdies, baby," Jughead encouraged, seeing the chirps outside as a lullaby for the blonde. She closed her eyes, her hand laying on the Jones man's chest and forehead tilted towards him.

She parted her lips slightly to breathe and started to relax a little bit, the sleepiness making her limbs heavy and the thought of moving almost unbearable. Two hours later, Betty woke up again, birds still singing and the ice pack now warm.

Her sinuses felt slightly better; she still couldn't fully breathe through her nose, but inhaling was slightly easier. "Hi, precious," Jughead smiled, brushing through her hair gently. Her stomach rumbled out of what Betty assumed to be hunger but soon, her mouth started watering and she felt nauseous.

"How're you feeling, baby?" Betty couldn't answer, moving to lean over the bed before throwing up into the bucket. Jughead raced to hold her hair back, one hand collecting her locks while his other soothed up and down her back comfortingly.

Betty had started to cry; she hated not feeling well and she hated throwing up even more. "Aww, honey," he said softly between her pants and gasps for air. She threw up again and sobbed, whining against the tissue Jughead was using to wipe her mouth off.

"It's okay, princess. It's gonna be okay," he eased, his heart hurting as he heard one of his girls cry. She pulled herself off the ledge of the bed back into Jughead's arms, crying and sniffling with deep breaths from her mouth.

"Shh, baby, it's okay. You'll be okay. Just listen to the birds," he suggested, brushing through her hair as she continued to cry on his shoulder. "Just listen to the birdies, sweetheart." She did, quieting down progressively to hear their little chirps and songs.

She was able to reduce down to small sniffles as she calmed down, listening to the birds outside her window. She turned her head to see a blue jay birched on the ledge of the window and smiled slightly. Her arm outstretched in its direction gently as she breathed slowly but heavily.

"Hi, birdie."

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