One Slips Away

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back on brand with the sad NSFW-ish oneshots, lmao. enjoy!


Betty loved her boyfriend and she loved her girlfriend.

And she was sure they loved her, too.

The three's relationship started towards the end of their senior year after years of pining and they couldn't be happier. By nineteen, they had a house together and by twenty, they were thinking of marriage.

There was a general balance; Betty and Veronica had their own special things, as did Betty and Jughead, and Jughead and Veronica. And while Betty always considered herself secure in her relationships, she'd noticed a kind of distance over the course of a few days.

It seemed like Veronica and Jughead had gotten much closer, which the Cooper woman had no problem with; the notion actually made her happy. But in their coming together, she started feeling left out, even if unintentional.

And for fear of overexaggerating or seeing something that wasn't there, she didn't say anything about it to her lovers; she just treated the insecurities as a cloud over her head until she couldn't help but feel that she needed to shift her behavior, even if only slightly.

"Good morning," the blonde said cheerfully, coming out of the bedroom in a tank top that barely covered her stomach and her high-waisted panties, slightly leaning over the table to kiss the top of Jughead's head.

Her top dipped and her braless chest was a bit more revealed; naturally, her boyfriend stole a quick look. She smirked against his temple, subtle enough to not get his attention before she looked over her shoulder, seeing her girlfriend pull her eyes from the blonde's figure with a blush.

She retreated and kissed Veronica's head as well before chuckling and walking back into the bedroom, fluffing her hair playfully and swaying her hips. "Well that's new," she overheard Veronica chuckle.

"I'll say," Jughead responded lightheartedly. Betty couldn't hear them anymore once she walked into the bathroom, starting a shower before peeking back out to see if either of her partner's interests' had peaked.

She stripped outside the shower and stepped in, running her hair under the water and wondering if she'd be getting any company.

By the end of her shower, after she'd washed her hair and body, Betty hadn't seen or heard Veronica or Jughead, and instead stepped out with a towel wrapped around her body. "You didn't join me," she faux-pouted to Veronica, who was laying on the bed.

"I know, B, I'm sorry. I had to finish my breakfast," the Lodge woman chuckled, setting down her book. "I could've been your breakfast," Betty replied, reveling in Veronica's playful laugh that came from her somewhat-cringey quip.

Veronica's hand traced up Betty's arm, smiling gently as their lips met. Her towel started slowly slipping down and almost as soon as the blonde had started to lay down, they heard a voice from the other room call, "Hey, Ronnie, could you help me with this real quick?"

Betty pulled away with a sigh as the Lodge woman chuckled, her hand on the side of her face as she apologized and added, "Maybe later." "It's fine, V, really," the Cooper woman replied as Veronica sat up and went to help Jughead, leaving Betty to get dressed.

A few hours later, Betty sat on the living room couch skimming the pages of the latest novel she'd gotten into, smiling when her boyfriend came out in dress pants and a fancy white shirt. "Well, don't you look handsome," she smiled, letting her eyes roam over his figure.

"Thanks, gorgeous," he responded with a small chuckle. "As soon as Ronnie's ready, we'll head out," he said, sitting next to the blonde on the couch and kissing her gently. Betty had known for a few days that Veronica and Jughead were going on a date night, which Jughead reminded her of with his next question.

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