Venin Noir

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do not let this set a precedent for me writing supernatural ideas; i don't do well with them on a general basis, but i hope you enjoy!

CW: needles (IV), blood, mention of death, violence, slight sexual harassment, emetophobia

Slightly NSFW

"How are you feeling today, love?" Betty asked, accompanied by a saunter into the dark bedroom. Her voice was superficially hopeful, sorrowed inflections bleeding through. "Weak," Veronica answered, trying her best to sit higher in the bed.

The Girls In 3-B sat open in her lap and it made Betty smile, even if only for a moment. "I'm sorry," the blonde sighed, walking over to the IV pole beside the bed. From behind her back, Betty's hand brought a new bag full of deep crimson and replaced the near-empty one.

"Thank you," Veronica remarked, noticing the change. Betty only smiled humbly, but Veronica's hand on her hip made her face flush. "I mean it, Betty. Thank you. For everything," she added.

She knew Betty hated hunting; she always found a wave of guilt coming over her after each kill, lasting until the disposal. She'd never asked the Cooper woman to do it for her; it was a liberty Betty took all on her own. But still, she hated it.

The blonde nodded, her hand meeting the back of Veronica's as she replied, "For you." She brought the amalgamation of their hands to her lips and kissed the back of the Lodge woman's sickly pale hand.

"Anything for you," the blonde added, a small tear leaving her eye. "I love you so much," she whispered, eyes closed. "Darling," Veronica sighed, her hand leaving the Cooper woman's lips to slide against the side of her face.

"I love you too, always. You don't have to cry," she assured before looking at the IV in her arm with a small sigh. "Come on, come to bed," she invited, seeing a small glimmer in her lover's eyes as she nodded.

Betty walked to the other side of the bed, getting under the sheets and laying her head on Veronica's chest. The Lodge woman picked her pulp magazine up once more and Betty's wandering eyes caught glimpses of the pages but her mind couldn't let her focus.

"If draining myself would do any good, I swear I would," Betty remarked, looking up to her love. Veronica chuckled briefly, one hand petting the back of the blonde's head as she replied, "I don't doubt that, but you know I wouldn't let you. Even if your blood wasn't poison."

Betty's blood was black because she was special, she'd never known what it was but the symptoms were nearly mystical; she had a high pain tolerance--too high of a pain tolerance. When she bled, it was like ink pouring from her; jet black and toxic.

She'd tried to give it to Veronica after they'd discovered her sickness and found the treatment to be blood, but instead, it gave the woman a slight purple tint and slowed her heart, making it hard to breathe.

Betty, confused, had tried it herself, licking the cut she'd gotten the blood from; it tasted like bleach and burned her mouth. She remembered hissing and washing her mouth out, trying to rid herself of the taste.

After enough time, the pure blood Veronica was given restored her heart rate and color, even if only slightly, but the truth still persisted.

"It'll all be alright, my love," Veronica assured, noticing a spaced-out Cooper woman under her arm. Betty would give everything for that to be true, to be able to call her girlfriend honest.

The truth was that Veronica was dying.

And Betty, maybe due to her blood, or her invulnerability, or some intersection of the two, couldn't. It was something she'd found out in years past and something she had seen as a blessing; until she realized this side of immortality.

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