The Feeling Of Displacement

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if you enjoy this concept, know that i have a similar one in my 'always & forever' story called "it's all too much." enjoy!

Requested by luislikesturtles

Song Credit: "TV Head" by Elliot Lee

Everything was wrong.

Almost as soon as Jughead woke up he was overstimulated; his blankets didn't feel right, his alarm felt like shocks to his eardrums, his knuckle joints were aching. He told himself it'd be fine but his repetitive thoughts said otherwise.

"This is wrong. This is wrong, This is wrong."

Nevertheless, his morning routine continued; a quick shower preceded by brushing his teeth and hair. He walked back into his bedroom to get dressed, waiting until his hair was dry enough to put on his beanie, which was mysteriously missing from its place on the boy's nightstand.

He groaned and tightened a fist, only to find it on the ground beside his bed. He could already predict it was a bad day, so he slung on his cotton-lined sherpa jacket; a comfort fabric he could feel, unlike his beanie.

The small things would seem minuscule to anyone else, but with Jughead being autistic, they drove him slightly crazy, each new issue just piling on. His phone chimed and he winced, deciding it best to keep it on vibrate for the rest of the day.

His senses all seemed heightened, especially with sound and light, so he grabbed his noise-canceling headphones and sunglasses before looking at his phone.

B: I have a surprise for you! :)

He smiled at the notion, but his head responded differently, running through a million questions at once. "Is it food? Does Veronica know what it is? When do I get it? Did she make it herself?" Instead of bombarding the blonde with questions, he replied something simple.

J: thank you :)

With his sunglasses on and headphones over his ears, he walked out the front door and headed to school. He was able to keep his headphones on during class when there wasn't instruction because of his 504 plan, but the sunglasses had to go and he hated that.

The fluorescent lights didn't bode well with his light sensitivity and it put a strain on his eyes and neck, making sure his head was down and eyes, squinting. And of course, because the Jones boy seemingly couldn't win today, it all amounted to a headache.

He continued writing on his worksheet until his joint pain worsened, making him inhale sharply and try to crack his knuckles to feel better. It hardly worked and Jughead sighed, deciding to lay his head down for the rest of the class.

When lunch came, Jughead was the first to get to their group's table, Betty and Veronica showing up almost at the same time. Veronica tapped her boyfriend's shoulder to get his attention, smiling once he'd let his headphones hand around his neck.

"Are you auditioning for 'Men In Black'?" she joked, sitting on his left. He chuckled as if he didn't understand and Veronica clarified, "The glasses." "Oh," Jughead replied. "It's just the light, it's been a lot today."

Veronica nodded in understanding and Betty smiled, sitting on Jughead's right. "Can you guys, um," the raven-haired boy paused, looking between his girlfriends. "Could you switch sides?" "Yeah, sure," Betty replied, standing from the bench with her plate in her hands.

The girls traded places and Betty pulled her backpack into her lap, saying, "I hope you didn't forget that I have something for you," she said, pulling out a velvet scrunchie from her bag. "I figured it'd be nice to wear around your wrist to stim with," she explained.

"Thank you," Jughead smiled, blushing when he felt Betty press a kiss to his cheek. Veronica's hand slid across the Jones boy's back as she smiled at the blonde, remarking, "That's thoughtful of you, B."

The blonde smiled and Jughead looked over, asking, "Were there any Doritos at the snack stand?" "No, I looked for you, but they didn't have any," Veronica said with a small frown. "I have these for you, though," she added, handing him a pack of fruit snacks.

The Jones boy accepted it, but sighed; he'd been holding out for lunch almost all day and he couldn't even have his comfort food. "Do you guys wanna hang out later? We could go to Pop's for dinner or do something at Sweetwater," Betty suggested sweetly before taking a bite of her apple.

Jughead tugged on the scrunchie on his wrist, answering, "I'm...kinda drained today, Betts. I'm sorry." "That's okay," the blonde answered with a sympathetic smile, asking, "What's going on, babe?"

"This whole day, I's..." he paused, trying to collect his thoughts. He plucked at the scrunchie more and his fingers curled into his palms, fidgeting. "Everything seems...skewed. Everything's bothering me, even little things," he explained.

"My body hurts, all the lights are too bright, every sound's too loud--it's just a lot," he said, eyebrows furrowed as he looked down. "I'm sorry, Jug," Veronica replied, laying her head on his shoulder sympathetically.

"Is there anything we can do?" Betty asked with her hand on his. "A little less touching, please," he answered, feeling somewhat crowded. The girls chuckled and obliged, Veronica sitting up and scooting over a bit to give him some space while Betty moved her hand away.

"Thank you," he said, looking between his girlfriends with a smile. "It's no problem," Veronica smiled before the three continued eating, departing at the ending lunch bell and going their separate ways to class.

"Bye, Juggie, love you," Betty smiled before leaving his side. A few seconds later, Veronica did the same, kissing his hand and saying, "Love you, babe." "Love you," he called out to both of them before slipping his headphones on again and heading to his fifth hour.

By the time the Jones boy got home, he was much too spent to do much, or anything, really. Instead of starting on his homework or pulling out his laptop to write on, he collapsed into his bed, slipping under the covers and blankets with a drawn-out sigh.

"Finally," the raven-haired boy thought to himself.

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