𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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in the morning everyone sat outside and jj tensed at the anger radiating from claire.

"hey, i love you." jj told the blonde who scoffed and whipped her head around to look at him.

"did you tell that to the girl who had her tongue down your throat last night too?" she retorted and everyone gasped.

"it's happening." john b whispered as his eyes widened.

"what?" jj asked.

"don't play dumb. i watched you make out with one of the girls from the academy." claire told him and pope looked down awkwardly.

"i saw that too.." he trailed off.

"i would never cheat on you." jj laughed and looked towards everyone else. "you guys trust me right?" he asked them and turned to claire.

"i don't. not after last night." claire said with a blunt expression.

"claire- i was drunk. you know it didn't mean anything." he defended.

"it doesn't matter if it didn't mean anything jj, you still kissed her. don't you see the problem with that?" claire shot back.

"please, i- i was drunk, claire." jj pleaded. claire rolled her eyes at his excuses and sighed.

"im not doing this anymore." she said and he stared at her confused.

"what do you mean?" he asked her and the other took that as their signal to leave as they headed inside.

"this. us. we just keep fighting lately and.." she trailed off and jj was afraid of what she'd say next.

"dont." he said softly.

"i dont think we should be together anymore." claire said and she didn't dare look him in the eyes. his scared, heartbroken eyes would hurt her and she couldn't bring herself to look at him.

"so you're saying, we're over?" he asked.

"that's exactly what im saying. good bye jj." claire said and walked away. she hoped that he would try to call for her, to fight for them. but he didn't. and that's what broke her most. she sniffled as she walked all the way to figure eight with her head down. small quiet sibs breaking though her throat as she is reminded of jj maybank. she can't call him her boyfriend anymore, she doesn't know if she can even trust him now. now he's just, jj maybank. the boy that broke her heart. and in his mind, claire is just, claire cameron. the girl that broke his heart.

as claire reached the place she called home, she saw sarah walking inside. she knew she'd have to face sarah after the previous night's events.

"sarah!" she called out.

the other blonde turned around at the sound of her name but her jaw clenched at the sight of her sister.

"sar! please let me explain everything." claire said as she hurried next to her sister.

"explain? you wanna explain to me why you lied to my face for the past week and half? okay." sarah said and crossed her arms. claire sighed before speaking.

"okay, i know. i fucked up with the drugs. i- i thought you were dead sarah. it was hard. i was barely getting through. i tried killing my self because i couldn't handle the pain of not having you here anymore. i was in a bad place and the drugs helped me. they helped me more than the pogues. and i know, i've lied to you and you have absolutely no reason to forgive me because i was terrible. but sarah, i jude need my sister right now. please." claire said a she choked back a sob. sarah's eyes softened as she engulfed claire into a hug as the shorter blonde so. ed into her sisters shoulder.

𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫, 𝐣𝐣 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now