"that's rafe and claire." jj said as they watched him hold her through the glass. she looked weak. suddenly, rafe's hands moved up to grip her neck and the 3 boys watched in horror as her body fell limp to the ground after a few moments.
jj couldn't believe it. he didn't just watch the love of his life get murdered right before his eyes.
"claire!" he rushed forward only to be held back by john b.
"are you insane!" jj asked the brunette.
"wait!" john b shushed him as rafe picked up claire's lifeless body and carried her to the smaller car. then, rose, sarah, and wheezie came into view.
"dude they got both our girls." jj told john b.
they watched as sarah tiredly called for claire.
"she's dead, sarah. now shut up." rafe sweet hes and sarah gasped as he shoved her into the back with claire.
popes eyes followed rafe's figure as he made his way back to the truck with the cross and started driving away. out of no where, pope leaped out fr behind the bushes and ran after the truck. he gripped onto the back ladder and pulled himself up. the two boys watched as he slowly faded out of view with the truck.
"what was that shit." john b asked.
jj wasn't paying attention to john b anymore though, his focus was on the car that had his girl in it as it slowly drove away.
"cmon." he motioned john b up and the ran after the car and started banging on the windows.
"hey! slow the car! sarah! claire!" john b shouted and wheezie and rose looked at the boys horrified.
"hey, wheeze! unlock the door!" jj yelled.
"what the hell?" rose muttered.
"why can't i let them in?" wheezie asked as rose shook her head.
"no!" rose protested.
"wake up!" jj screamed one last time to claire before john b stumbled and fell. the car slowly moved away and wheezie turned in her seat.
"is she really dead?" she asked.
"of course not." rose reassured the younger girl. she turned around and claire's eyes fluttered open. she looked around slowly as her vision was still blurry and her head ached badly. she blinked a few times before she failed to stay awake and her eyes closed again.
"morning mrs cameron." she heard someone greet as rose slowed the car. she heard a gate opening and wished that she could have enough energy to open her eyes.
after a few minutes the car door opened and she felt someone pick her up.
"oh my god. claire? claire!" she heard sarah cry her name.
"shhh." rose told her.
"jesus, calm down." an unrecognizable man's voice said to a squirming sarah and claire's eyes opened the tiniest bit before she was blinded by the sunlight and soon the arms that were holding her, brought her into a hot room and laid her down. hands immediately grabbed her face and she heard sarah's sobs as she tried shaking claire awake. soon, sarah's hand gripped onto the younger blondes hand and claire took that as her chance to let sarah know she's awake.
"claire? can you- can you hear me?" sarah sniffled and claire slowly opened her eyes. sarah let out a laugh if disbelief as claire glanced around the room to get sight of her unfamiliar surroundings.
"where are we?" claire said and sat up.
"we're on a ship. i- i don't know where we're going though. rose wouldn't tell me anything. she drugged me." sarah informed and claire sighed.

𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫, 𝐣𝐣 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤
أدب الهواةclaire is part of the cameron family, sarah's younger twin sister to be exact. when john b's father wants her involved with a treasure hunt, her whole summer changes. disaster or miracle? who knows. her best friend and sister are presumed dead afte...