california x texas [rambling]

398 9 2

warnings!! talk about a potentially toxic relationship! also swearing

okay so! i honestly don't get the hype about Cali x texas- like OooOOooOoO enemies to lovers is a good trope, i highly enjoy it- but in this case, I feel like that relationship [at least in canon] would be extremely toxic. Cause like in canon Texas is a fucking stubborn asshole. Just going to put that out there, Texas is a sad jerkwad that refuses to learn. Now compare that to California, who is a person [at least in canon] that's stubborn but [somewhat] willing to learn and accept changes. In canon, it is very clearly shown that the two of them don't like each other and almost every single time they're in an episode together, they end up fighting over something. Now in actual irl relationships, arguing occasionally is normal- and perfectly healthy, you aren't expected to agree with your partner all the time, but arguing with your partner constantly is not a sign of a healthy relationship. 

Partners shouldn't get along 100% of the time, that would be weird but they shouldn't disagree all the time, or anytime they agree it shouldn't be considered a "miracle". Anyways back to Texas and California, the two of them have been shown to rarely agree with each other- often being on opposite sides at all times. That isn't a stable/healthy friendship and so that would be an especially toxic romantic relationship. 

Repeat after me people, if a friendship isn't healthy- a romantic relationship would be worse.

Okay? Okay. glad we understand that. now go ahead and ship what you wanna ship, but keep this in mind. so unless you're going to change how Texas and California act, or make the fanfic canon-divergent, don't add this ship in please </3 

it would be toxic af and only end badly. 

[keep in mind this is all my opinion feel free to tell me yours]

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