Handwriting [headcanons]

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okay, florida has the worst handwriting ever when he's not trying, like so bad that he can't read it after [mainly uses this on signatures so nobody can ever copy what he wrote] but when he is trying, it is readable [sorta] spelling errors galore, cant spell "the" to save his life, but he can spell super fancy space terms no prob. doodles little rockets on the side of the paper.

cali writes in cursive, and probably studied different types of fonts because he thought they were cool. replaces the dots on i's and j's with little hearts, will punch you if you mention it tho. often misspells things tho, so any paper has a ton of scribbles because he cant be bothered to erase things.

dc has *super* fancy hand writing, like the elegant handwriting that you've always wished you could have, also almost perfect spelling. most likely had a phase where all he did was watch calligraphy videos and tried to copy them. never doodles and writes everything in pen.

Texas can spell, he just doesn't care unless he's insulting someone, writes in print, very easy to read. underlines important words a lot, think like "California sucks" with 8 lines under it and 4 exclamation marks. draws himself a lot, as in draws two stick figures, one of them is really tall and the other is really short, then labels the tall one as "me" and the short one as "Alaska"

georgia is the type of guy to do really sloppy cursive, like he tried to do cursive but gave up halfway, never capitalizes anything and grammar is a big fat no. also doodles plants on the side, tried to copy florida's rockets and gave up halfway through and turned it into a really funky ufo.

Louisiana has a really unique hand writing, like almost as neat as california's. but unlike how cali replaces his i's and j's dots with hearts, louie replaces them with little stars. grammar is also a no with this man, but you can read his writing and he manages to put a lot of feelings into what he rights. he doodles a lot of magic related stuff on the side of the paper, and crawfish because crawfish. and you didn't hear this from me, but before Louisiana and Florida started dating, he would draw the most cliche "<l+f3" stuff on the page.

Thats it for now :3
also texas and Florida absolutely threw paper airplanes at each other, not to pass notes or anything, but to try and hit the other in the eye or something so they got hurt.

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