satire (oneshot)

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it all started when cali [also knowned as California] went on a date with texas [mr guns good man]. the 2 of them were walking in a park holding hands [eeew gay] when texas saw dc, he shoved cali [MY BABY] out of the way and ran towards dc, dc had shoved florida [the saddest man there] to the ground and jumped onto texas, stealing his hat and wearing it while smiling.
"Oh texas, thank you for showing up," DC smiled and stared at Texas's dark brown stormy orbs, "I missed you so much my love."
Texas laughed then muscularly and powerfully kissed DC, lifting the smaller into the air whilst Cali [my baby D:] and Florida watched in horror. The two abandoned state's eyes filled with tears as they both turned away and ran off, Cali narrowly avoided running into traffic while Florida [the greatest man there] called Louie while sobbing.
DC glanced over at the fleeing states and mumbled "I wonder why theyre upset, its no big deal that you and I are dating me amor, i practically broke up with Florida,, like 10 minutes ago."
Texas shrugged "I never broke up with Cali, i couldn't figure out how to do it"
"nevermind that my love, just kiss me and lift me into the air, my manly man."
and so, texas did just that, he flung DC into the air and kissed him until neither of them knew where they were or what happened before, DC giggled and hummed whilst looking in Texas's dark brown shiny orbs; searching for the burning passion he knew was within those shiny longing orbs.

Meanwhile,, with Florida

Florida called Louie and started sobbing "LOUIE! dc!! he- he cheated on me! with- w- TEXAS"
Louisiana sighed "Sha,, i told you he couldn't be trusted. when i see that sorry excuse of a man again i will. fuck. him. up."
"t- thank you louie,, for always having my back"
Louisiana paused, his heart full or hurt whilst he longed to hold Florida close to him and kiss him until neither of them could remember that masshole DC, "Anytime sha, je t'aime beaucoup"
"what does that mean louie? i don't speak baguette"
"Mais sha,, no need to worry about it"
Florida nodded, and stopped after he realized that was stupid since louie couldn't see him, in all honesty, he partially understood what Louisiana said and was blushing because of it, "Anyways, Louie? coulds ya maybe pick me up if it isn't that big a deal? i dont want to be a burden so i could walk home."
"Mais sha, im not letting you walk home alone whilst upset, ill come pick you up soon."
Florida smiled and hung up the call, feeling feelings he never knew existed before this moment, even though he and DC had been dating for at least 5 years, he never felt the pure joy and butterflies he felt that day after talking with Louisiana.

When Louisiana finally arrived he was met by Florida flinging himself into Louie's arms, and as soon and the two of them hugged, Flo burst into tears and clung to Louisiana as if his life depended on it. Louisiana hugged back and gently comforted the smaller, sadder state, longing to kiss him until all the pain went away. Despite knowing that no matter what, DC would always be apart of Florida's life, just like Spain was. Grrr, spain always cause Louisiana to get mad, he couldn't believe someone would be able to hurt the angel that is Florida like how Spain hurt him. How dare that bastard hurt the love of his life [A/N i didn't know if Louie was more mad at Spain or DC, so you can pretend hes mad at both]

Florida eventually calmed down but continued clinging to Louisiana, he looked up and saw anger in Louie's hazel orbs but he also saw,, passion and love. He sat there and wondered who the love was for [a/n it's for u dummy!!] and hoped it wasn't DC or Texas. After a bit, Louisiana picked Florida up and carried him to the car.

this emotionally killed me to write, enjoy <3

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