Chap 5

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In the kitchen

Sydney noticed Nell was smiling and blushing without seeming to care, which was unnatural.

'Did you meet someone last night?' She asked.

'Yes, I did. His name is Eric. Lord Eric Beale to be exact. We bumped into each other, and we hit it off!' Nell replied.

Sydney was ecstatic. 'Wow! See, I told you could meet someone! How was it? What did you do?'

'We walked around and talked, even played a few rounds of fooseball in the game room. He's weird like me, even though he has all this money. He even left me his phone number!'

'If I didn't know any better, I'd say you might be in love with the guy!' Sydney teased.

'What? No, no it's too early for that. We only just met last night.' Nell replied, slightly embarrassed.

'Ever heard of 'love at first sight?'

Nell chuckled uncomfortably. She had heard of it, but it seemed a bit impossible for her. Like, a good looking lord with a lot of money falling in love with a kitchen maid? Impossible.

Deeks went to the soldier's barracks to see and surprise Kensi. He went to her barracks, and saw someone else there.

'Oh! Oh, I think I have the wrong room. I'm looking for Kensi.' Deeks said.

'You have the right room. She's just not here right now. I'm Jack, nice to meet you!' Jack introduced himself.

'Hi! I've heard of you. Do you know when Kensi will be back?'

'Not sure. Captain Sam keeps us pretty busy.'

'I can tell. Do you know if your captain approves of soldiers having relationships outside of work?' Deeks asked.

'He doesn't forbids them, well, he can't. But he kind of frowns on them. Claims they eventually distract the soldiers too much from the job. His wife died a few years ago, so that might be why he's so grouchy about relationships.' Jack replied.

Looking disappointed. 'Oh. Oh, well thank you for the talk. I'll be leaving now.'

Deeks left feeling uncomfortable and worried about his and Kensi's secret relationship.

Callen was pondering his thoughts when Nate came in.

'Good news Your Highness, I've managed to find your princess from last night.' Nate said.

'Great, where is she?' Callen asked, eager.

'A kingdom close by, and here's the bad news: The people there say she tends to disappear to who knows where a lot.'

'Tell me where this kingdom is, and I'll go find her.'

'You sure about this?' Nate asked.

'Yes, yes I am very sure.' Callen replied, confident of his answer.

He got a horse and some backup soldiers and left to go find Anna.

When Nell had free time, she went to the castle phone and called Eric.

'Hey Eric, it's Nell. The servant you met last night. I'm not sure if you're still in the kingdom, but if you are, can we meet sometime tonight?' She said. And she left the number for the kitchen phone.

An hour later, Eric called the kitchen phone and left the following message:

'Hey Nell! I'm glad to hear from you! Yes, I'm still in this kingdom. I'm staying at the Praesidium hotel. If you want to meet tonight, meet me at the town fountain at 8 pm, if that works for you.'

Endnote: Praesidium is the title of 1 of the best Hetty centric episodes EVER on this show! It's also my top Season 6 episode.

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