Chap 9

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3 months had passed, and a lot of things had happened for the couples.

After a few dates, Eric impulsively proposed to Nell, and she said yes! She then announced that she was leaving to move to Eric's kingdom.

'I'm really going to miss you!' Sydney said as she hugged Nell goodbye.

'I am too, sis!' Nell replied, trying to hold back tears.

'Please, invite a lot of friends to your wedding!'

'Well, the Queen already said she'll come, I'm surprised though. I didn't think she was interested in my life.'

'Nah. Miss Hetty has always had some friendly feelings towards you.' Sydney said.

'You're right. I'm going to miss her and everyone else here.' Nell replied.

'Make sure to call or write often!'

While taking a risk going to see Kensi, the stage coach Deeks was in crashed. Deeks was fine albeit a few scratches, but he got lost trying to get to Kensi. He eventually went back home, disappointed that his risk was a failure.

A few weeks later when Kensi came home, he told her what he had done.

'Wow. That is, just crazy! You were actually trying to go to a dangerous country, to do what?!' Kensi asked, shocked.

'To tell you how I feel about you. I love you Kensi, it's taken me a while, and getting caught trying to kiss you to realize it, but I really do love you, and I wanted to do something crazy to prove it to you because that is what crazy people in love do! But I failed miserably. So, I love you Kensi.' Deeks replied.

Kensi didn't know what to say after that. So, after a minute of silence, she said 'good night', then left.

'Oh damn it, I blew it!' Deeks thought, disappointed.

They were still seeing each other, though, it was in more of a platonic way then a romantic way.

'Women sure are complicated.' Deeks said when he told Monty.

'Maybe not as complicated as you might think.' Monty replied.

'It's been a few weeks since I told her I loved her. And we haven't brought it up since. I don't get it, she was eager to advance this relationship, then she comes back after a mission, I tell her I love her, now everything is awkward between us. I don't get it.'

'Well, maybe something happened to her while on that mission that you don't know about. I've seen the way you 2 were sneaking about, she clearly loves you! Try asking her what's wrong.'

'Thanks Monty. I'm glad that spell was cast on you.' Deeks said in gratitude.

'You can thank Hetty for that. I accidentally ate the truth thingy she had made to question a suspect.' Monty replied.

'Ohhh. Yeah, I really should thank her the next time I see her.'

'Why would you invite that jerk here?!' Hetty shouted, mad.

'Because he said he wants to put aside his differences and come to a peace agreement, and peace with this kingdom could give us a big ally if we were to ever go to war. I know you don't like Rogers, but we need to consider his peace offering.' Granger replied, matter-of-fact like.

'Can't we just speak to the rulers of his kingdom?'

'Last I checked, you almost got into a cat fight with the queen of that country because she apparently was being a smart ass.'

'Well she was!' Hetty rebuked.

'Either way, Rogers is the representitive, and he's coming tomorrow. I'm busy tomorrow, so you're going to have to meet him. Promise me you won't try to hijack this meeting just because you have beef with him.'

Scowling. 'Ugh, fine!'

'Now please hand over anything that you might try use on him for revenge for leaving you on that island.' Granger said.

'It was an island of monkeys. Ninja monkeys! I could've died!' Hetty scowled while handing over small vials.

'He said he only did that as a test to see if you could train monkeys to obey you, and you did. He was never going to strand you there.'

'Oh, pish posh!'

The next evening, Granger asked how the meeting went.

'Oh it went very well, sir! Well, for a time.' The messenger said.

'What do you mean 'for a time?'' Granger asked.

'Well, the Queen and Mr. Rogers were talking, then all of a sudden. All these ninja monkeys swooped in and started attacking him! It was nuts!'

It didn't take a genius to know why the monkeys were there. Upset, he went to confront Hetty on the monkeys being there, and when he did, she said:

'I have strong feeling about being called a midget, and shorty, which is what he called me during our meeting. Also, he should've known better then to have those monkeys lying around. I brought them back with me, I think they'll be very useful. And don't worry Owen, the monkeys only startled him.'

Headslapping himself. 'Oh what am I going to do with her?!' Granger thought, frustrated, while also slightly amused.

Endnote: I would've made this chapter longer, but I got tired of writing.

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