Chap 1

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Note: This is probably my most ambitious fic! This is from a cute idea I came up with the other night, and it really stuck with me! The whole 'before Season 9' team is here, along with a few memorable guest stars and several mentions. I hope you like this! ;)

The Team:

Hetty-The Queen

Granger-The King

Callen-The Prince

Sam-Captain of the Guard

Deeks-Legal Council for the King and Queen, and Messagener Boy




Once upon a time, there was a beautiful kingdom. Ruled by a small but very intimidating queen and a grumpy but kind king.

Prince Callen was coming home after being gone for 4 months, and his parents were discussing his future.

'He should've married 3 years ago!' Granger said.

'Owen, you know by now that he'll marry when he finds the right woman! How many times must we go over this!' Hetty replied.

'Look at us! How much longer are we going to be alive? If we're gone, then he'll be king, and he'll need a wife. And besides, I want to see grandchildren.'

'I want to see them too! But we can't rush these kind of things. He's a very stubborn man, takes after both of us.'

'Well, I have an idea. Let's throw a ball and invite a lot of eligible ladies in this kingdom and see if he chooses one!' Granger suggested.

'If we do that, we'll also have to invite their parents. And how big are you talking?'

'Lords, Ladies, Dukes and Duchesses. What do you think?'

'Well, I say okay, but if this doesn't work, we agree to lay off on him finding a wife, deal?' Hetty replied.

'Deal.' Then they shook hands.

Deeks was roaming the castle, when he saw the soldiers of the Queen's Army marching by, and noticed a tall, brunette soldier in the bunch, and smiled.

He had met the soldier 3 weeks ago when she was walking through the Great Hall looking for something. He found it, and they talked for a while. He had been entranced not just by her beauty, but by her courage to serve in a dangerous position.

After that meeting, they started writing letters to each other. And while neither of them started to admit it, they were beginning to fall in love with each other.

He was hoping for the free opportunity to get to talk to her when she had time, and when their bosses weren't looking because they were afraid of what the consequences might be if they knew they were seeing each other.

Then Ray, the servant boy interrupted his thoughts.

'Hey Deeks! Hate to interrupt, but Her Royal Hettiness wants you to help deliver these invitations throughout the kingdom.' He said.

'Getting more servant boys to help deliver messages, this must be urgent! Any idea what it's about?' Deeks asked.

'It's about a ball the King and Queen are throwing for the Prince.'

'Ooh. That IS important! Okay, You take the east side of this kingdom, and I'll take the west side.'

'Got it!'

Then they both set off to deliver the messages.

Nell was in the kitchen working, and being upset by her recent boyfriend breaking up with her.

'Hey come on, it's not that bad.' Sydney, 1 of the other maids said.

'He said he couldn't continue to date someone who was a servant, how do you think I feel?!' Nell replied, annoyed.

'He was a jerk anyway. I don't see why you were even dating him in the first place.'

'Because he was cute! And besides, does it look like anyone will ever want to date people like us?!'

'Yes, they will! Someday, we'll find handsome men, who will look beyond our jobs, and see us for the smart, beautiful women that we are! You're my sister, you'll rebound from this!' Sydney said.

'Thanks, sis.'

'Besides, I heard that there's a ball happening tonight. Maybe we'll meet a cute royal!'

'Syd, we'll be working the whole time. And besides, what Duke or Lord will ever want to meet us?' Nell asked.

'Girl, you worry too much.'

'Or I'm just being realistic.'


Nell sighed. As much as she wished to meet a handsome royal, she knew she was right? What kind of Duke or Lord would ever want to be with a servant?

Callen wasn't too thrilled to hear of his parents latest attempt to set him up with a date.

'How many times have I told both of you to stop trying to set me up with people?! I've told both of you several times that if I want to be with someone, it'll be on my own!' He exclaimed.

'Son, most princes your age are married by now with kids! Now you now your mom and I won't be around forever, and we want to make sure you have a good queen by your side to rule this kingdom when the time comes!' Granger replied.

'Are either of you dying in the near future?'

'No! But your mom waited until her father was dead and her mother was dying until she decided to get married. We don't want you to be in the same situation!'

'Remember the last time you tried to set me up with that duchess, Tracy? That was a full on disaster! What good will this ball do?' Callen asked.

'Because you get to choose any woman you want!'

'Uh huh. Mom only agreed to this on account of you'll both agree to leave me alone if I fail to choose someone, right? Because that's the only way she'd ever agree to something like this.'

'Damn it, he has part of her mind reading abilities too!' Granger thought. 'Sigh. Yes, she did. But look, it would mean a lot to her and to me if you actually try tonight.'

'Fine. I'll attend this charade. But don't get your hopes up, because I've met most of the eligible women in this kingdom, and I have no intention of choosing either of them.'

Then he walked out of the room. Then Granger walked into the royal bedroom.

'We need another plan.'

'Let me guess, he figured it out? I told you this was a bad idea!' Hetty replied, unsurprised.

'I'm not giving up! Let's take things a step further and invite guests from other kingdoms!'

'The ball is tonight. How are we going to get invitations out so quickly?'

'There's a nearby kingdom not far from here, and I know there are many eligible ladies there that he hasn't met.' Granger said.

'It's not where I think you're talking about, right? Because I know it's ruler, and I prefer to avoid him!' Hetty replied.

'It's the only place close by. We'll get our own staff to deliver them if we must! Heck, I'll even deliver some myself! But one way or another, we're not giving up so easily on him!'

Then he left.

'Good luck, you'll need it.' Hetty thought to herself.

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