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Kagerou is a normal 13 year old. He has a happy family consisting of his parent and one little brother. Kagerou was always compliment by everyone.

He smart and talented. Last year when he was twelve he won gold medal in Japan Martial Arts Tournament.

Today he was left all alone at home. His father has gone on a work trip and his mother had to take his brother to the hospital.

Bored playing video game he decide to go on a walk. As he walk around the elderly nearby all greeted him. As he turn on a corner nearing his home on his way back he saw his neighbor lifting some box.

The neighbour is an elderly so he offer her some help. The elderly was apparently planning on throwing the box. As he put it in the trash some thing fell out. It picked it up and the grandma see it.


Grandma:You can have it if you want. The ring belonged to my late husband.

Kagerou:I can't take it ma'am it must have been important to you.

Grandma:I was planning on throwing it to but seeing it in your hand I have a feeling it make use to you more than it with me.

I was gonna decline it but she keep insisting that I take it. Not wanting to seem as ungrateful I put it in my pocket and go home after saying my thanks.

Night came and mom come back. We had our dinner while telling each other how our day is. She told me that Issei cry when the doctor told him that he need to get injection. Issei got embarrassed keep punching me as I laughed.

I told her that the grandma beside gave me a ring that fell out of a box I picked and she make sure I say my thanks.

After dinner I go to my room. I was laying on my bed when I remember about the ring. I turn my head and see it on the night stand. I picked it up and look at it. I have to admit it has a peculiar design to it.

(image not mine)

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(image not mine)

I at it in my arm but then I got tge urge to put it on. I don't know why but the more I look at it the more I feel the urge to put it on.

Just as I put it on my middle finger the once big ring shrunk into my size magically thus shining bright red.

Once the light dissipate I was no longer in my room but in a large classic theme mansion.

Kagerou:WHERE THE HECK AM I!?!?!?


Just as Kagerou is freaking out,someplace in the underworld we could see a man with beautiful crimson hair look up from his work.

This guy OK s Sirzechs Lucifer formally Sirzechs Gremory. He is one of the Four Devil King's and now he suddenly pick a presence inside the.......... Mansion.

A place that was full of mystery and forbidden for anyone to enter. The Devil Council has put up a strong barriers around it so it was impossible for a break in.

The barrier was intact and the presence was also detected inside it. Without wasting any time he informed the other Mauo and move to the location.


I calm myself down and look around. I see that the mansion look old but intact. I saw a picture of a man wearing a luxury suit but what attract my attention is the ring he's wearing. It the same ring I'm wearing.

Just as I put up my hand to compare the ring. The stone on it shine and it light up a laser like light. The light is shining toward somewhere and I have the urge to follow it.

Following the like I've met with dead end but the light keep pointing at it. I knock on the wall and when the ring stone touch the wall a weird symbol appear and the wall disappeared. Behind the wall was a stair leading down ward.

When I've got down the ring stop lighting and the room light up. It was a big room. It look like a study room. There's also two display. I look up and saw the same weird symbol from earlier.

I stare at it and it shine

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I stare at it and it shine. There it was a person standing. The same person as the picture sitting on a chair. But he look more like a hologram than a real person.

???:Well hello there. If you're here then you must be a human. My name is Lucifer and you're the chosen one.

Kagerou:Chosen one.

Lucifer:Ive can't answer you considering this is just a message. Let me tell you a story. *insert three faction story* you see I have change of mind and I've gotten bored of wars but it was already to late to stop so I sealed the most important thing I thought of in this room thus sending my ring to the human world. Hoping that one doy someone would be choose. It didn't just anyone but someone who he feel worthy only. My children didn't know about it but after my realization I've become disgusted by my children and I've become distance. Here is my request stop my bloodline from doing anything evil that could destroy the world in exchange I shall give you my name, wealth and knowledge. So long the chosen one and the first 'Demonic Angel'.

Just as the message end I've feel something sharp enter my skin and my body hurt. I've feel alot stronger and my hair change to dark black. Then came out two pair of black wings with purple highlights came out of my back.

Still hurting I look at the stairs and see four people but then I fell unconscious.

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