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When I arrive at the Lucifer Manor I see the other has arrived. With just a nod all four of us enter the manor. The manor look just like how it look like the last time I'm here.

We was about to split up when we felt magic spike nearby. We run in that direction but then we've met with a stair that wasn't here before. Going down the stairs we heard screaming.

When we arrived we see a boy in pain with two pair of black wing sprout from his back. At first glance I could mistake him for a fallen but his presence is that of Devil mix with Angel.

He look at me with pleading before passing out. Ignoring the other I ran toward him. A few feet near him a magic circle appear more specifically Lucifer Family magic circle.

Serafall:Zechs what's happening?

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Serafall:Zechs what's happening?

Sirzechs: I don't know. But that kid presence aren't normal and to add the fact that the circle belong to the original Lucifer mean it either a bad news or a worse news.

Just then the display in the room started shaking. I peers my eye and see two bullet one in each display.

Ajuka:Is that bullet?

Falbium:It sure is from the look of it.

Serafall:Well the better question is why is it in a display and why it's moving?

Without a moment to spare the bullets move shoot itself into the boy back. And everything becomes normal. No magic circle, no shaking. Just Original Lucifer secret studies and an unconscious unknown boy.

Sirzechs:That sure is shocking.


Falbium:As shocking as it is we better check on the boy.

Ajuka:I think we should bring him to my lab.

All three of us just nod and Ajuka pick up the boy. On the way out I look at the potrat of Lucifer on the hall. Then I look at his finger and saw the same ring on the kid finger. The only thing I could think of was that the ring brought the kid here.


I wake up to found my self floating in unknown place. In front of me was three orb. One was black with greenish aura another is black with purple aura and the third is pure darkness. I grab the green one and I swear I saw a giant bat. But it only for a second. When I grab the purple one I saw a mechanical face but just like the bat it only for a second. The third orb hurt me.

When I reach for it it emit black and purple lightning preventing me. I keep reaching for it but it keep preventing me.

Times goes by and I don't know how long I've been there trying to get the orb but still fail. I was about to reach it one more time when it disappeared and my surrounding is cracking.

A few hour ago in Ajuka Lab

Ajuka:I can't believe it. This kid gene is phenomenal.

Falbium:What does that mean?

Ajuka:From my examination the kid is a human and that his gene is being reconstruct.

Sirzechs:Into what.

Ajuka:Something unknown but it looked like a mixed of Devil and Angel. Making him a Demonic Angel or a Nephilim you could say.

Serafall:A nephilim but that just a myth.

Falbium:A myth from heaven.

Sirzechs:A myth that is laying right in front of our eye.

Ajuka:It not just that you know the kid has three Sacred Gear.

Serafall:Three!!!But that absurb.

Falbium:Absurb!? His own existence is absurd.

Ajuka:Well if you ask me it not that absurd really.

Sirzechs:And why is that?

Ajuka:Well it look like only one was he's born with and the other is only with him recently. My guess the other two is the bullets from earlier.

Falbium:That's make more sense. But what does a human do in the underworld and not just anywhere but Lucifer manor.

Sifzechs:The ring.

Serafall:What ring.

Sirzechs:After the war we searched for everything the Original Mauo own and we found everything except for the ring Lucifer always wear and we also know that the room we found him wasn't there before so my best guess is that Lucifer plan this day to happen by sending his ring to human world in hope one day the ring will bring someone to his manor.

At Zechs theory we fell silence. Nobody said anything until we heard a groan from the kid.

Kid:Ugh where am I this time?

The one who rush to his side first is Zechs.

Sirzechs:You okay kid. Can you tell me your name.

Kid:Kagerou,Kagerou Hyoudou.


After the place crack and broke I wake up on a bed. Just as I open my eye I see the same beautiful crimson hair from earlier. He then ask me.

???:You okay kid. Can you tell me your name.

Kagerou:Kagerou,Kagerou Hyoudou.

My head hurts and suddenly there was so much information enter my head. Information such as Scared Gear, Three Faction War, a litte magic and something that happened after the war. At first I'm confused but somehow I know the things that happened is a spell my benefactor prepare.

The red head look at the blond hair in the room and he rush to me but the headache disappeared.

???:Hey Kagerou my name is-

Kagerou:You're Sirzechs Lucifer. The blond is Ajuka Beelzebub,the bald one is Falbium Asmodeus and the magical girl is Serafall Leviathan the current Mauo.

They looked shocked that I know them. Then Sirzechs ask.

Sirzechs:How do you know us?

Kagerou:I don't know. It just come to my head earlier. I think it a spell Lucifer prepare.

They looked at each other and nod. The three left leaving me and Sirzech alone.

Sirzech:Now could you tell me how you come here.

I then proceeded to tell him everything that happened how my neighbor gave me the ring to how the ring bring me to the room to Lucifer message.

Sirzechs:So that's how it is. So Kagerou what did you planned to do?

Kagerou:I planned to fulfilled his wish. To tell you the truth I always fill empty without a purpose and now I have it. So I'm gonna take up his name and carry the mission . From now on I'm Kagerou AL. Hyoudou.


Kagerou:Yes AL. Atlas Lucifer. Since Atlas mean to carry. It fit my purpose.

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