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I wake up from the sunlight hitting my face. I look down to see The Ruin Princess sleeping peacefully on my chest.

I can tell that she hasn't been getting much sleep with the whole marriage thing.

I get out of my bed carefully to not wake her up and head to the kitchen where I sense my parent is.

It's been a while since we last met so I was looking forward to seeing them again. When I got to the kitchen I saw my dad reading newspaper on the dining table while mom is preparing the breakfast.

Me:Morning Mom Dad.

Mom&Dad:Morning Honey/Son.


They both turn around to see me standing in the doorway. Both of them had a different reaction,Dad just smile as mom cover her mouth with her hand crying.

I walk toward her thus getting a hug from her. She hug me so tight that it starting hurt. Seeing this Dad just chuckled than telling mom to stop.

Mom:Sorry. It just that I miss you so much. Look how much you've grown.

Dad:And handsome you've become.

Me:Heheh thanks.

Mom:When did you arrive and why didn't you tell us?

Me:Last night and it already late so I just invite myself in.

Dad:So son. Have you found yourself a girlfriend?

Me:Well. As a matter of fact I do. And she's fast asleep upstairs. Tired from last night.

At my sentence Dad hold my head with a perverted grin. Mom just look at him face palming herself.

Dad:Hohoho my boy you didn't?

Me:*nervous chuckle*No dad. It not that.

As we were having a conversation a little girl with blonde hair came to the kitchen. I recognize this girl as Asia Argento.

From what I know she is a nun that turn into a devil that was adopted by mom and dad. When I first heard about this I can only imagine how they react considering mom has always want a girl.

Fun Fact when mom is pregnant with Issei she had wish Issei to be a girl.

Asia:Morning mother father.

Dad:Morning Asia?

Mom:Asia I want you to Issei older brother Kagerou Hyoudou. He has been abroad for a while because of studies.

Asia:Nice to meet you Kagerou-san.

Me:You too

Mom:well then Kage-chan why don't you go wake her uo and then we could have breakfast together. Issei to could you.

I blush at my childhood nickname but smirk when she ask me to wake Issei up. I got to my room to see a demonic goddess in her usual sleep garment that is nothing.

Me:Rias. Wake up. Wake up babe.

She stir in her sleep before sitting up. She look at me making me smile on how cute she look waking up. She look at me with a cute demanding face saying I want something. I lean to her gave a peck on her lips making her smile.

Rias:Morning Atlas.

Me:Morning Babe. Come on my mom has already prepared the breakfast.

Rias:Your Mom.

Me:Mhm. After last night I brought us to my room in my parent house. It's been awhile since I'm here.


Me:Yes really so get ready quick. Mom told me to wake Issei up.


Me:Right I never told you my full name right.


Me:Kagerou Atlas Lucifer Hyoudou at your service.

Rias:H-hyoudou a-and Lu-lucifer.

Me:Mhm. I'm Issei older brother and the heir of Lucifer clan. Also before you ask no my family isn't a descendent of him. Only because of certain events.

Rias:So that's what my brother mean when he said you go by different name in the human and supernatural world. It also explain why your family name is secret.

Seeing her being so smart I couldn't resist pinching her cheek.

Me:Why are you so cute?

Rias:I-ita Atlas Ita.

I chuckled and left for her to get ready. She look at me with a pouted red cheeks.

I got to Issei room I see him sleeping with a perverted smile. As much as I hate pervert I couldn't hate him. He was my family and a family that I swore to protect.

I took out a horn and blow it making him jumped out of bed screaming.



Issei:Not cool man not.

He look at me and I could see him tearing up. I open my arm and he hug me.

Me: I'm back motherf**ker.

Issei:You sure are. So bro which do you prefer boobs or tights.

Me:Well I didn't really has any preference but my current gf is a top notch one.

Hearing that I have a girlfriend he fell to his knee crying. Looking at him I couldn't help but laugh heading to the kitchen.

After taking a seat Rias came down. My parent was shocked  abit when she hug and kiss me.

Mom:You and Rias.

Me:Mhm.Meet Rias a couple years back.

Issei:Eh Bunchou.

Rias:Morning Issei.

Issei:What are you doing here?

Rias just hold my hand saying.

Rias: Can't I be at my Boyfriend house.

Once again she felt to his knees crying anime tears making me laugh. Haaa how I miss this.

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