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Riser just left after giving us time to prepare for the rating game. Issei is still knocked out with Asia trying to heal him while Akeno, Koneko and Kiba look tense.

My mind is in a knot with the marriage. I look in Grayfia direction to see that she hasn't left. She look me in the eye and said.

Grayfia:Sirzechs-sama has informed me that your knight will arrived the day the battle occurred considering currently he's location is still unknown.

This peaked everyone attention especially Kiba since he's my knight. But a giant smile crawled onto my face and Grayfia just left.

Kiba:Bunchou what does Grayfia-sama mean by your knight? Do you have another knight?

Rias:As a matter of fact I do Kiba.

This shocked everyone. Akeno has a betrayed look on her face at the fact that I didn't told her.

Rias:The Knight Grayfia mention is my first piece.He is the same age as me and he's my brother disciple.

Akeno:Being your brother disciple he must've be strong.

Rias:Strong that he is. The last time I saw him he's already a high class devil and the only reason he join me is that my brother said it easier for his plan. My brother also tell me to keep it a secret so I'm sorry.

Akeno:It's okay but what does she mean by his location is unknown.

Rias:Well even if he's my piece he still work directly under my brother. And he always sent on a mission that requires him to go off the grid.

Issei:Well Bunchou if he's strong that great and all but what is his name.

Rias:My brother said that he goes by different name in human world but in underworld he goes by Atlas.



The fight has been going and Atlas still hasn't show up and this worried me considering he never late to important event.

Currently only me, Asia and Issei left to fight Riser and his queen. Issei is trying to dodge Riser attack but it all fail. He fall to his knees clutching in pain.

I tried to get up but can't because of my injuries.

Riser:Hahaha such a weak Emperor that you are. Let this be known. The Great Riser will be the one to end this generation Red Dragon Emperor.

My eye widen at the statement as he throw a giant fireball at Issei. I can't do anything but yell his name but then everyone heard.

???:Mana Zone:Dark Magic-Black Moon

Just as the sentence finish a blark orb appear infront of Issei absorbing the fireball. Riser and his queen look confused but I can't help but smile.

Rias: You're late Atlas.

Atlas:Sorry about that. The recent mission Zechs sent me to is a hassle.

Riser:Who are you?

Rias turn around and see a cloak person nearing.

Atlas:Me? I'm just a passing by Knight of Rias Gremory

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Atlas:Me? I'm just a passing by Knight of Rias Gremory.

Balance Breaker:Two Sidriver.




Eeny Meeny Miny Moe Eeny Meeny Miny Moe Eeny Meeny Miiiny Moooe

Versus Up! Precious! Trust us! Justice! Bat! Angelic Mode Live!!!


That form radiate so much holy energy. I know that Atlas different but this is something.

Live:Rias tell those two retired. Issei is to precious to lose. So is Asia.


Live:No but. Trust me would you. I'll end this in two minutes.

I just nod and the other two retired leaving just four people behind.

Riser:Hah just because you're emit so much holy power doesn't mean you can use it. You're a devil after all.

Live:Well why don't we put that to a test.


In a blink of an eye Live was behind riser with a gun in hand.


And just like that Live shot Riser. Riser fall down screaming.

Riser:W-why!?!? Why does it hurt so much!?!? Why didn't it heal!?!?

Riser queen was about to interfere but Live just hold his gun to her and she stop on the spot.

Live:Of course it won't heal. It Light bullet after all.

Riser eye widen in fear as he felt light dagger touching his neck.

Live:You know what to do right.

Riser:I-i yeild.

Grayfia:Riser Phenex-sama has yeild the winner is Rias Gremory-sama.


Atlas:Huff it finally done.

I de-transform and look in Rias direction to see her standing in front of me. I smile and open my arm.

She jump into my arm and I just hug her.

Rias:I miss you.

Atlas:Me too.

We hold onto each other warm as we being transported to Rias headquarter.

Atlas:Sorry I'm late.

Rias:It's okay. My brother said that your mission is hard because it your last before getting a official rank.

I look down and see her beautiful blue eyes. We both lean in and we kissed. The kissed is full of love to make uo the time we lost.

Rias:I missed it.

Atlas:What the kiss or me.

Rias:*chuckle* Both.

To tease her back I picked her up and she yelp. I was expecting her to be mad but she just snuggle into my chest. I teleport to my room in my parents house and we cuddle each other to sleep.

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