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Back To Business

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Ana was tempted to plough through the south wall of the Sanctum Sanctorum just like a bulldozer. She was sizing it up. Testing it for weak spots. It still wouldn't let her in, not after she woke up in a blank frenzy, fleeing the room of Stephen Strange as if the walls would crush her and keep her there forever and ever. She needed things. Books and clothes and the bouquet of flowers Matt had given her the day she got back from space. She knew the magic mansion would keep those plants alive and well for years. It wasn't completely cruel. She was running late. Meant to meet up with the others at the Avengers Compound to witness a few test runs of Bruce's prototype time machine. The word prototype caused her mouth to run dry. So much could go so wrong. Ana never doubted Bruce, but as he said to them at the diner a few days ago when they came to him with the proposition, time travel wasn't in his area of expertise. Ana stepped away from the window that looked into the living room and dropped her white knuckled fist, breathing out and settling her unsettled mind.

"Bruce has this. Just gotta believe..." Ana mumbled to herself. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, finding her centre. Her short attempt at meditation failed as expected and she opened her eyes and huffed, kicking her foot repeatedly into the streak-free glass. The sole of her heeled sandals made contact with the impenetrable surface and made flashes of purple light, telling her it was spelled with a force shield. She gave it one more kick for good measure, flipped the mansion a bird on two hands, and walked off with the clench of her jaw. She didn't have the time nor patience to deal with it's childish tantrums. Once her back was turned and the mansion shrunk from the distance between them, her phone buzzed.

Ana twirled the upside down phone upright in her hand and pressed it to her ear. "Go for Michaels." She greeted, not having read the name of the caller properly. She picked a piece of lint from her black jeans and smoothed down her white shirt when it had bunched up from all the unnecessary kicking.

"Ana. For someone who can be anywhere in a blink of an eye, you sure take your time getting there."

"Nat, for your information, I was trying to break into my mansion for some materials."

"Can't you just portal inside?"

"Doesn't work like that. Not with this particular destination." Ana traced a circle in the air and stepped forward, into the Avengers Compound. The morning sunlight vanished, replaced with crisp air conditioning. She saw Natahsa standing across from her in the large hangar and they both pocketed their phones. "I think I pissed it off."

"Sounds like you." She smirked.

Ana frowned and pointed at the military green parka on Natasha's shoulders. "Is that my jacket?"

"Are those my shoes?" Natasha countered, raising a brow and pointed at Ana's feet.

"Are we ready for this?" Scott scoffed as he strutted in front of them. "Because I'm not. Hi, Ana."

Ana threw Scott a smile and matched his stride while Natasha shook her head at the Warrior's lack of explanation to her question and turned to meet with Steve who had just entered the hangar. "Hey Scott, your suit isn't on right." Ana said and tugged at the loose piece of material on his back. Scott let out a huff of frustration and stopped walking towards Luis' brown van that had been parked inside so Ana could zip his suit. She fastened all the loops and zips and patted his shoulder.

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