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Undying Fidelity

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"This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman. We are under assault, I repeat, we are under assault! The engines are dead, life support failing. Requesting aid from any vessel within range. We are twenty-two jump points out of Asgard. Our crew is made up of Asgardian families, we have very few soldiers here. This is not a warcraft. I repeat, this is not a warcraft..."

Ana puffed the hair from her face when her back met the ground and grunted, glaring at Proxima Midnight who stood above her. She launched herself at the lance-wielding warrior, one arm in the air that carried a makeshift spear. It came from the wreckage of the vessel. When Thanos had hit the ship with an energy shell from an oversized cannon, it fried everything. The systems were out. Half of the ship broke off from the attack. Brunnhilde managed to lead a group of Asgardians to safety along with Amora and some of the Sakaarian fighters for protection.

Ana got back up and slammed her spear against Proxima's lance. She did not want to be shot at by that thing again. She pushed with all her might, sending the woman flying into the other side of the assembly hall. The Black Order were the only ones on board. For now. Thanos had yet to make an appearance. Ana supposed it was because he wanted his adoptive children to clean the house up before he arrived. At Ana's feet laid dozens of dead Asgardians. Some of them died instantly when the vessel was blasted, others tried to stand up against the Black Order, but due to their lack of fighting skills, they were quick to fall. Few laid wounded and barely breathing. Her father was nowhere in sight. The explosion had sent him into outer-space. But she couldn't think too much of it. Marcus was well equiped to survive and find his way back. He had to.

Ana mildly heard the sound of Hulk's breathing coming from the canal below her. It was rough and shallow. She had made contact with the Avenger prior to the ship being boarded and reminded him to stay low. Hulk would know when they needed him, all he had to do was listen for the words, We have a Hulk.

She was getting ready to recite the words just when Ebony Maw found himself hovering above her. Ana's hand flung to grab Maw by the throat, but he lifted his index finger and every fibre of her being turned to stone. He smirked at her deviously, and pushed his hand upward, raising her from the ground. Ana was upside down, unmoving. Maw fashioned space shards from the atmosphere around them and sent two into her cranium once again. Ana gritted her teeth together when unbearable pain suddenly washed over her. She tried to thrash around, to be free of them, but it only made it worse.

"You fight like a coward." She snapped, eyes flaring. "Never getting your hands dirty. You'll die first."

"Do you recall what I once told you, Warrior? Force is a blunt instrument and often unnecessary."

Thor released a war cry and barrelled into Maw. He grabbed his head, flinging him into the wall. The effect wore off and Ana dropped to her feet, before taking a sharp piece of scrap metal to hurl it towards Maw. A hand grabbed her elbow before she could strike Maw. She looked back at Cull Obsidian, and glared at him.

"You wanna go first? Fine." She retorted and dropped the metal in her grip.

Ana proposed to do something spectacular and bodyslam Obsidian into the ground. But Destiny had other plans. She lurched forward with a choked groan when a curved weapon punctured her side much like it did Heimdall's. The Watcher of Worlds was on the ground, laying on the bodies of the people he had sworn to protect. She craned her neck to see Corvus just as he retracted his glaive from her right side. Her hand went flying to conceal the gushing wound and she dropped to her knees, panting from the piercing pain.

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