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Time Changes People

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"Bucky, stop."

Ana laughed behind her hand, shaking her head at the man who wouldn't sit still. She had a razor in one hand and a damp cloth in the other. The task was simple, shave the growing beard on Bucky's face. The retired soldier wouldn't quit craning his neck from side to side to see what Ana was trying to do in the mirror behind her. If it was up to her, Ana would leave the facial hair since he only looked more handsome with some stubble along his cheeks. But later that day important visitors were going to arrive in Wakanda. Steve, Natasha and Sam were all on a Quinjet heading for the Kingdom to visit them both. Bucky was the one who threw the idea up in the air in the first place, though it seemed he had a change of mind.

"Have you done this before?" Bucky asked her with wide, uncertain eyes.

Ana scoffed lightly and straightened up, planting the back of her wrists on her hips. "Yes, I have. Clint got into an accident on an assignment once and broke both arms. Nat was undercover and I had to look after him. I trimmed his hair and beard since he couldn't do it himself." She shared.

Bucky wrapped his hand around her wrist that carried the razor. "Alright, fine. Just, don't cut me." He reluctantly let her hand go and sat still as she shaved the left side of his jaw. He winced, "Ouch."

Ana grimaced at the tiny cut, and quickly pressed the towel over it. "I said I've done it before. I never said I was good at it." She said in defence when Bucky threw her a pointed look.

Bucky rolled his eyes. "Remind me to never get my hair cut by you. Who knows how much you'll take off."

Ana eyed his long hair, lighting up with an idea. "Now that you mentioned it..."

Bucky caught her hand before it could reach his hair, and smirked when she snickered. "Easy, tiger." He chuckled.

Ana placed the razor in the sink and grabbed a fresh towel, turning her back to Bucky and running it under the tap water. She could feel his hand rest on her hip and she suppressed a grin. She noticed how he liked to be in contact with her, a lot more recently since they've spent time together. Whether it was a simple hand on her back or their hands intertwining. Ana was very pleased with this side of him. "I noticed you've been a hit with the kids. They like to call you White Wolf." Ana said, spinning to face him.

Bucky raised his head and let Ana wipe off the shaving cream from his cheeks. "Whenever I'm out at the farm, the kids do come by and keep me company. They ask me all sorts of questions, but I don't give them a straight answer. I don't want them to know what I've done. Who I was." He responded.

Ana sent him a sympathetic smile and nudged his chin with her index finger fondly. "It's a good thing you never have to be the person ever again."

Bucky let a smile slip, "One of them asked me if I knew Captain America."

"And what did you say?" Ana asked.

"I said I knew the man behind the shield. That I grew up with him when he had asthma and about every other medical condition known to man." He chuckled.

Ana sat on his knee, and looped her arms around his neck. Bucky snaked his arm around her waist so she wouldn't lose balance, and looked up at her. "A lot of the children idolise Cap, and their own protector and King — the Black Panther. They like their superheroes." Ana added.

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