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Truth Be Told

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"Where am I?"

Marcus sat up. Heard as his bones creaked. Asphalt dusted off him. He looked down at his hands. At least he tried to. It was dark. Too dark to see anything. He felt the earth around him. It was hard. Wet. Broken. His back felt sore. He must've fallen. Most definitely the cause of the destroyed path underneath his body. He felt for his sword. The Sword of Light. When he couldn't find it on his person, he closed his eyes and called for it. When nothing happened, he frowned. Marc found his feet and stood, hunching forward when the large gash across his abdomen stung. He felt numb. He was scared. For the first time in a long time, the great Sentinel was afraid.

Marcus couldn't remember what happened. Last thing he saw was Asgard. Last thing he heard was the overwhelming sound of thousands of Outriders screaming as they met their end. By his hand. Marc had beat them all. They were planning on invading his home. Marc had asked Odin if he could have the first bout. Odin said yes. Thor wanted to accompany the Sentinel, but Marc refused. Loki had to hold Thor back while Marc soared into the heavens. Once he was over Asgard, he saw them. The Outriders. Creatures of chaos. The Titan's army.

The Sentinel fought, and he fought well. With his Sword of Light, he overwhelmed the horde and as it turned out, took him down along with them. The Sentinel was struck down. He fell. He was lost to Asgard. Heimdall couldn't see him. Odin couldn't sense him. The Sentinel, as they knew it, was gone.

Once Marc's senses returned, he noticed how cold it was. Snowflakes began falling. When they made contact with his warm skin, they melted. He reached up with one hand and focused. A dim silver hue powered from his palm, offering him a slight blaze of light so he could see. He manifested a shard of the power, and used it to illuminate his way. Marc started walking. Limping.


A store front gave it away. He stopped moving and gawked at the warehouse for human automobiles. How did he land so far from home? Seconds after he uttered Midgard, his shard of light shattered, almost blinding him. Marc grunted, and stumbled a few steps back. He knelt to the ground, and grabbed his head. This couldn't be happening. Midgard wasn't kind to his anatomy. The realm weakened him. Rendered him powerless. It wouldn't offer him a safe haven. He had to get back. He had to find a way off of Earth. He needed Heimdall. He needed his friend.

"Heimdall!" Marc roared, throwing his head back and screaming at the stars. His body shook as he cried. He wasn't ready to leave his home again. "Heimdall, can you hear me?! Please!"

"Can you hear me?"

Ana blinked back into reality. 

Her head snapped up to meet the FBI agent's gaze. He gave her a quizzical stare. She didn't know how long she was unresponsive. She didn't even know what time it was. The ticking clock on the wall behind the agent read noon. Ana pursed her lips. She felt the handcuffs on her wrist and placed her closed hands on the table between herself and the agent. His eyes flickered down to the cuffs, and he swallowed thickly. Woo knew she could easily snap them off. But he didn't think she would considering there was an army of FBI agents outside the interrogation room.

"You're on TV, you know?" Woo mentioned as he fiddled with a silver pen. "Helicopters were on the seen. Local news got an exclusive."

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