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See You in A Minute

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Ana looked down at her hands. The black tech gloves shone underneath the warm light of the bathroom bulb. The Time-Space GPS was strapped around her right palm while Stephen's broken watch was fixed on her left wrist. Usually when going into the field, Ana preferred to keep her hands free from accessories or gadgets. She ended up crushing whatever snazzy Stark tech she had on her given the chance of a good fight. She made an exception this time. For some reason unknown to her, Ana couldn't part with the watch just yet. Or maybe she did know. Her head was in such a flurry of thoughts and notions, she barely remembered how she got here, standing in one of the upstairs bathrooms, getting ready for the big mission.

Most of her uniforms were damaged or battle worn. Still, she kept them all. Each told a story. Held a memory. Reminded her of the events she survived. And the one she wore currently took her back to the day the Avengers first assembled in New York all those years ago. Her mission was 2012 — and joining her was Steve, Tony, Bruce and Scott. Ana had her old S.H.I.E.L.D. suit on. No cosmic armour or half cape. No vibranium plating or mystic robes. Just plain black kevlar-based material made for practical and protective purposes, with signature S.H.I.E.L.D. eagles on her shoulders. Fitting back into the suit was a surprising couple minutes. Her body was a lot more toned and she had grown taller. Natasha hadn't stopped staring when she first saw Ana back in the suit. When Ana had questioned her lack of words, Natasha only shook her head and smiled.

"It's nothing. Just proud."

Ana was glad Natasha had continued down the hall so she wouldn't see just how much those words meant to her. An onslaught of tears threatened to spill down her face. Ana held them back, the task taking a lot more strength than she thought it would've. After a series of halfhearted, motivational phrases to get herself to hold together, Ana proceeded to leave the bathroom and meet the others in the Hangar Bay. On her way, she passed Thor's bedroom, where she caught him sitting on the edge of his bed, gazing out the window, to the clouds that covered the sun that would've shone brightly. She hesitated to approach him. Knowing what was about to happen pushed her to raise her hand and knock on his door.

Thor turned to see Ana standing at his doorway. He hadn't suited up. Instead, he seemed content in his grey sweats, crimson wool coat and UGG boots. "Yes?" He spoke up.

Ana pushed the door open so she could step through. "Are you almost ready, bud?"

"I suppose so." Thor mumbled, paying close attention to her choice of gear. He hadn't seen her in a S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform since the Battle of New York. It took him back to a place far away. He saw his brother. His father. His mother. Thor's hands fisted the material of his coat and he turned to face the window once again.

"You nervous?" Ana asked, hoping to coax him into something that resembled a friendly conversation. He would be pairing up with Rocket to take on Asgard in 2013. She couldn't even begin to imagine what he must be thinking. Returning to his home where his family and a vast majority of his people would still be alive had to be a heavy thought.

Thor breathed out. "Greatly." He admitted in a small voice.

Ana clicked her tongue and fussed around with her utility belt. "Same here."

It was quiet for a moment before Thor stood up and turned to face the woman at his door. Her nails were clinking against the metal compartments on her belt. "Speak, Ana. I know there is something you wish to discuss."

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