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From Hela to Sakaar

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"There he is..."

Nothing but pure valley. The three had teleported to a lush land in Norway, a cliffside with the ocean gently crashing against the base of it. Ana could smell the salty water, and closed her eyes, feeling serene in that moment. Thor was beside her, face contorted into worry when he found his father facing the cliff's edge. Loki had landed on the grassy ground behind them, a grunt escaping his lips from the impact.

Thor gazed at Ana, extending his hand for her to take. She gave him a curious smile, and held his hand. He was nervous, afraid if the spell Loki had placed upon him had done some damage to his memory. She was with him for support if need be.

"He would want to meet you." He said in a hushed tone, leading her to Odin.

Ana froze up, mindlessly strengthening her hold on his hand. "Wait... but..." She dug her heels into the ground, but that didn't stop Thor from pulling her along. She didn't want to get in the way of their encounter, and also, he was the King of Asgard, it was an overwhelming experience. Thor didn't say anything and approached his father, Loki trailing behind him silently.

"Father?" Thor called. Ana looked Odin over, and frowned at the tiresome look on his face. He was dressed in plain clothes and had an eyepatch over his right eye. Even with the human persuasion, Odin still held an aura of a King. A melancholy, exhausted King.

"Look at this place. It's beautiful." Odin softly said, lost in the ocean's view. Ana barely heard him from the wind that started to pick up around them. It sent a chill down her spine, and she looped her free hand around her torso, containing her shivers.

"Father, it's us." Thor tried again. Loki stopped on the other side of Odin, head down.

"My sons." Odin declared. Loki looked up at Odin, surprised to hear him call him his son. Ana noted that. "I've been waiting for you."

"I know. We've come to take you home." Thor told him.

"Home, yes." Odin trailed off, looking at the clouds. "Your mother, she calls me. Do you hear it?"

Thor shot Loki a look, who shook his head in defence. "Loki, lift your magic." He demanded. They couldn't hear anything other than the waves below, which told them he was likely being deceived.

Odin turned to Loki, who stiffened, awaiting a cruel lecture. But Odin only smiled. "Took me quite a while to break free from your spell. Frigga would have been proud."

Loki was moved by his words, the gesture completely unexpected. He looked over to see Thor staring at him, anger building. Odin placed a hand on Thor's shoulder, calming him. "Come and sit with me. I don't have much time." He insisted, out of breath. Ana noticed him falter and jumped in front of him, gripping his arms, and lowered him down gently onto the boulder. She shot him a small smile, trying to disguise the worry in her eyes.

"Thank you, my dear." Odin greeted Ana. He patted her hand, like a grandfather would do to their grandchild. This gesture was foreign to her, but she appreciated it all the same. The brothers watched like hawks, deciding their father's actions were out of place. He was weary, and that alone scared them both.

"Father, this is Ana." Thor introduced, placing a large hand on her shoulder when she stepped back. She peered up at Thor as he introduced her. He had always talked about his home with the Avengers, reciting tales and battles, and sharing fond stories of his family and friends. She could only imagine he did the same on Asgard, and informed Odin and Frigga of his journeys with the Avengers. She suspected Odin had some idea as to who fought beside his son, meaning he would put a face to all that Thor had said about her. "She is a good friend of mine. She possesses strength like none I've seen, except of course, her father..."

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