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Rockin' Warrior Road

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"Clue me in on everything, Hap."

Ana handed Happy a chocolate shake she grabbed on her way to the Avengers Facility. In her other hand, she carried a large bag of take-away food for Pepper, Rhodey, Happy, Tony and herself. Happy ripped the paper from the straw and punched it into the top of the cup, before taking a long slurp. They walked together, shoulder to shoulder, on their way to the garage Tony was hauled up in.

"Well, he's been inside for two days straight." Happy began, accepting the fries Ana offered him. "He won't eat. Anything I put in front of him he leaves until it gets all smelly and soggy. I swear, he's like a child. I feel like his parent."

Ana sipped her own rocky road shake. When she got back to Earth, she learned that Ben & Jerry's had made a bunch of new flavours based on the Avengers. Rockin' Warrior Road, was Ana's. She really liked the taste of the treat too. "What's he working on?" She asked.

"Got me." Happy shrugged, "But he's been wearing the Iron Man suit since the morning, and he won't get out of it."

Ana chuckled at him. "And you want me to..."

"Well, you're strong. If he's still wearing the suit, get him out of it and put him in a tux. There's a party tonight and Pep's all worked up with the organising and whatnot. She doesn't have the time to give Tony a good yelling." Happy told her.

Ana handed Happy the bag of food, taking a shake for Tony in her free hand. "Take this to Pepper and try get her to eat. I'll take care of Tony." She nodded.

Happy bumped his fist against hers. "Thanks, Michaels." He smiled, relieved. While he spun and headed for the main building, Ana jogged to the garage.


Ana pushed open the door to Tony's garage, scrunching up her nose when the smell of rotten meat mixed with burnt metal got to her. She found the source of the funky stench, and picked up a half eaten cheeseburger from Burger King on the table beside the doorway. She threw it in its takeaway bag and tossed it in the trash can underneath the table. Tony was on the other side of the room, hunched over as he went to work on a project.

If Tony had heard Ana call his name and walk in, he didn't show it. His focus didn't waver on the miniature chamber that housed nanoparticles in front of him as he adjusted, then readjusted his invention.

Ana let out a heavy sigh when she saw him. Happy was right, he wasn't moving. And it didn't look like he was going to stretch his legs anytime soon. She moved forward, lowering the volume of the classic rock music that blasted through his speakers.

"Happy, don't touch the tunes." Tony muttered, raising a piece of glass over his head with tweezers, analysing it in the sunlight that streamed through the skylight above him. He wasn't in the Iron Man suit, instead sat in jeans and a band tee over a long-sleeved shirt.

"Try again." Ana chuckled.

Tony glanced over his shoulder at her, lowering his arm. His eyebrows shot up before a pleased smile spread across his face. "Ana, hey."

Ana stood next to him and rested her hand on his back in-between his shoulder blades, peering down at the state his was in. Tony's usual clean and cut beard was starting to lose its shape as stubble overtook his cheeks. The area under his dull-looking eyes were dark, telling her he didn't get much sleep.

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