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The Hand Showdown

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Ana's ears picked up the indistinct chattering that floated around her. As far as she could tell without opening her eyes, she was in a small room, and she was on a sofa, head propped up with a piece of clothing. There were three voices — Matt, Jess and Luke. When she didn't hear Danny's at all, that was when it hit her. The last thing she could remember was the man, Stick, approaching Danny with a sword, and he had smoked both her and Luke into unconsciousness. The worry in the pit of her stomach was hard to ignore as she thought on Danny's whereabouts and safety.

"She's waking up." Matt whispered, nudging his head towards Ana.

"Finally." Jess commented. "I was about to slap her awake."

"She would've pulled some mystical shit on you if you did." Luke retorted, shrugging a shoulder at Jessica's sceptical expression.

Matt, who was inches away from Ana, removed the jacket he had placed under her head as she sat up, laying it across her knees. She rubbed her eyes, feeling groggy from the smoke she inhaled before she passed out. She squinted, analysing the others before her.

"Where are we? Where's Danny?" Ana asked, putting on her jacket.

"Elektra took him." Matt answered. Jess and Luke shot him looks, not very appreciative of the way he had left that part of their problem out.

"Elektra?" Ana repeated, trying to put a face to the name, but came up short.

"A friend of mine that I thought was dead." Matt went on to explain, pushing his red shades higher up the bridge of his nose. He seemed nervous. "The Hand brought her back, not sure how, and since then she's been having trouble remembering who she is."

That was when Ana smiled. He spoke of Elektra the way an admirer or even a lover would. She nudged his knee with her hand and chuckled lightly.

"You have a significant other with memory loss too?" Ana questioned, smiling when his brows creased.

"Wait... you..."

"Long story. I'll tell you guys about it over pizza some day." Ana promised. "But for now, the Hand is our issue. What's the plan?"

She looked at all three for a reply, and got nothing but silence and a shrug from Luke. Ana sighed as Matt pursed his lips. "Midland Circle is our best bet."

"What did you get from the architect?" Luke questioned Jess.

"He was planning on blowing up the building. Collapsing it straight down into the hole." She replied.

"They're still digging?" He asked.

"No, digging stopped, but there's some structure, some dome-shaped thing-" Matt said.

"We found blueprints inside the piano." Jess cut him off. Ana and Luke glanced at each other, clearly out of the loop.

"The what?" Luke asked.

"Don't ask." Jess brushed it off, and looked at the floor after letting out a scoff.

"What happened while I was gone?" Ana mumbled out.

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