Fun times till' we die

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I sat waiting in the park for someone. I saw this young woman walking and decided this is my target. I got up and grabbed my gun and shot her head. It felt good. Something fun to do. I ran home and locked the door. I had blood splattered on me, I walked into my bathroom and grabbed the peroxide and drenched my shirt in it, I had just my bra on when I heard a knock at my door. SHIT, I yelled very loudly I threw my shirt into my bathtub and put a junk shirt on and answered the door. "Who would be at my door at 10pm?" I said quietly. I creaked the door a little bit and saw it was Lola. Why was she here. I could murder her too! She was crying. "MY SISTER WAS KILLED IN THE PARK I NEED YOU TO HELP" I froze "YOUR SISTER?" I just killed her sister I fucking swear she knows everyone I kill. I walked with her to the park and saw her laying life less. The cops had arrived and I was there. They didn't know it was me so I was fine. She had went home and I did too and went to sleep.
A few weeks later, Trevor had come over. We were going on a road trip and I was over the moon for it. Trevor was watching me pack my stuff and telling me things to bring. He was staying with me for the night and we will leave at 3am to get passed the morning traffic. We left to get dinner. Trevor of course paid for it because I was paying for the gas and food on the way there. We were going to Florida but stopping in Kansas to catch a flight. I'm going to miss California but this is only for a few weeks. I also did rent a beach house for us to share with some friends of his. After we got our food we went to the store for somethings. I got my essentials like soap and pads for incase the lady's days happens while im there and of course had to get some drinks. Trevor got whatever boys need. When we got to the house we watched Brooklyn 99 for a while until I fell asleep. Trevor had an alarm set and I knew I was going to be mad to get up in the morning.
The next day, I woke up but not to the alarm but to Trevor saying my name, I grabbed my phone and saw the time. "WHAT 3:40 AM WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP?" I said sounding pissed off. "Sorry I wanted you to sleep for a bit, I packed the car and ready to leave whenever you are" aww such a gentleman I said to myself. I got up and got dressed did my make up and grab somethings. When Trevor saw me he looked me up and down "you don't need makeup you have natural beauty" I couldn't tell if he was trying to make me feel better about myself or just saying it to be nice but whatever it was I was happy. I hopped into the passenger seat and waited for Trevor to get in. I feel asleep riding down the interstate. When I woke up we were stopped, I looked at Trevor and he didn't look happy. "Whats wrong?" I said tiredly. "We are stuck in traffic and I didn't want this to happen" " oh im sorry" I said grabbing his hand and holding it tight. We didn't change this position for a while. I felt safe. 30 minutes later traffic finally lifted and we were on the way to Kansas. Trevor wanted to make it in 2 days but I kinda doubted it would happen. We sat in silence for a good while. I wanted music to lighten up the mood so I turned on my playlist. The first song was Water Fountain by Alec Benjamin. The time in the car was so slow. Im not the most patient person so I took a nap to pass the time. About two hours later I woke up and saw we were parked somewhere and Trevor was no where to be found. The car was on and the doors weren't locked. I got out and saw we were at a store? 'Why a store' I waited, and waited, and waited some more. I was tempted to go in and see where he was but when I got out of the car he was walking back so I got into the car again. He go into the car and drove off. He didn't know I was awake so I said something. "Why did you go into the store?" He looked startled "Oh I got some snacks because we left them at the house." Oh ok I said under my breath and watched the window.
A while later he said something "Hey uh Haven can I say something to you?" 'Uh oh did he find my secret, I guess im about to find out' "you cant tell anyone promise?" He looked at me dead into the eyes. I nodded. "So you know how I left your house without saying by when you went to the office.?" I nodded again 'Something sketchy' "well I like to kill people" I looked at him in the eyes and said "really" not stuttering on my words pure of shock. "Are you going to kill me?" I said scared "No, your my closest friend and to precious too lose" oh ok I said. Since we are sharing secrets I have something to tell you.
"Ok,hit me." I kill people too I said swiftly. "The boy that went missing was me and that girl that was killed the other day was me." He looked at me when we stopped at a stop light. "Are you going to kill me?" He asked "No, your my best friend I could never." He nodded 'I hope he doesn't rat me out.' We got to our hotel and grabbed some clothes to change into. Trevor got us or hotel room and I sat in bed while he showered. "HAVENNNNNN"he suddenly yelled. "Yes?" I said yelling back "WE DONT HAVE TOWELS GO TO THE FRONT DESK AND ASK FOR SOME" I laughed "ok will do" and went to the lobby.
The elevator rang and went to the desk waiting for a clerk. I looked around and saw a man about my age starring at me, when he got up he walked to me. "Hey your not to bad can I take you back to my room?" I looked him up and down "no" I said and turned around. He tapped my shoulder and looked me in the eyes "please I have a surprise in there" after that no. "Sorry im not interested." He kept asking me and I was going to punch him but a clerk showed up and he walked away. I asked for three towels and the lady gave me them. I got into the elevator with the towels and the man got in with me. I ignored him like a reasonable person would. When I got to my floor he followed me down the hallway. I started walking faster but he picked up the pace when I did. I was almost to my room so I scurried there and he walked off. I quickly unlocked it and shut it. Trevor was still showering. I gave him the towel and went back to the bed. I told him what happened and he said I will go with you for breakfast incase he does something. I sat there watching tv and doing some paper work when Trevor came and sat with me. He laid his head on my shoulder and said "your hair smells good" I chuckled and said "why are you sniffing my hair silly?" He responded with because I laid my head here so I have every right to do so. I rolled my eyes as he laid in bed. My eyes were getting heavy so I put my computer away and went to sleep.
The next morning it was 9:38 when I woke up and checked the time. Trevor was asleep still. I got up and took a shower for a good while clearing my thoughts. During my trance, Trevor walked in and said good morning to me then left. Weird but ok I thought. I got out the shower and changed into ripped jeans and a tang top. Trevor walked in and watched me do my hair and make up and occasionally asked question about the make up products, it was funny. After we were done getting ready we walked downstairs and saw the man from last night, I pointed it out to Trevor and he nodded in agreement. We sat down and Trevor brought me some Waffles, I only wanted one, im not a big breakfast person. After we were done we went up to the room and packed the car again. Trevor check us out and we left. Not a single word was said. I was typing on the computer and Trevor was driving when he saw a cop on the road. "Damn it" he said under his breath. The cop turned on his lights and pulled us over. "We weren't doing anything wrong?" I said. Trevor looked at me pissed and said grab my license and registration. As the cop was walking up to his window Trevor was looking pissed, "License and registration please. Before the cop walked of with it Trevor asked what he was doing wrong and the cop said "speeding" "Fucking hell we are going to be late for our flight" He said sounding irritated. I told him to calm down and maybe he will let us go early. Fifteen minutes passed by when the cop came up to him again "We have a flight to catch in 40 minutes can we be let off?" The cop was generous enough to let us go early so that lightened the mood for Trevor. When we pulled up to the terminal, Trevor went to grab our bags and I went in and found out gate. The TSA line wasn't too long at least. I had a small backpack with our things that had to be checked and I didn't have anything in it that would hurt people so we were good and they checked us and patted us down and let us go to our gate. "15 minutes to waste perfect" Trevor sounded happy and I was glad because it would not be nice to sit next to him if he was mad. I scrolled through my phone while we were waiting when our flight was called.
  We boarded the plane and I sat and watched the window Trevor watched too. I was happy but very scared, my knee was bouncing and I was picking at my nails. Trevor saw it I think. "Hey it will be ok Im right here." He took my hand and held it the entire take off. I wanted to tell him how I feel but it would ruin or friendship, I didn't want that. I sat there watching every second out the window until Trevor said something. "Im exited to go to Florida and go to the beach are you?" I thought a sec and said "yes"
I did know I fell asleep until I was woken up by the lady over the intercom. I look startled and Trevor laughed "you got a little something on your face there" wait what, what is it! Can you get it off?
I said panicked. Yes I will and he licked his finger and whipped dirty off my cheek. We were walking off the plane when he spotted his friends and ran towards them. Me not to far behind. They cheered and laughed for a few minutes when Trevor turned to me and walked over to me "This is Haven" they all looked at me very interested in me one of them asked Trevor "is that your girlfriend" I turned to him and he turned bright red and said not yet boys but I'm trying. I looked startled at him and he kept walking. We got into a car and drove off. When we got to the house Trevor brought our stuff to a room. We had to share because we had other people staying here. I plopped on the bed and went to sleep.
        Sometime later Trevor came up to me and said "we are going out if you want to go with" I jumped up immediately and changed into a pair of jeans with a shirt that said "Don't be a dick and man up" Its my favorite shirt. I ran downstairs and popped on a pair on vans and ran to the car. I got in and sat in the way back. Trevor was up front driving. I over heard their conversation and it was about me. I didn't know if it was bad or good but they kept laughing and I had the intention it was bad. We got a restaurant and got seated I sat next to a guy named Jackson and I got good vibes from him so it was good. Trevor watched me the whole time. I ordered a salad because I felt fat and didn't want to be judged. Trevor also got one but it was seafood and I hate seafood, everyone else either got a burger or soup. I couldn't be mad at myself for my choice. After we got food we went to some shops and I didn't get anything because I didn't want to spend money right now but some of the boys got jewelry for their girlfriends. I felt kind of left out but I don't know why I was with my friends and they included me but I don't know why I felt like that. I walked by myself around the store and ran into a handsome man. I was at a lost of words but he spoke first. We chatted for a bit when Trevor came up and said we are leaving. The man said "wait,uh can I have your number?" Trevor looked down to me angry. I said yeah sure and gave him my number and my name "also my name is Haven Davey"  "oh mine is Mark Laibach" Trevor was very mad at me for talking with him but I felt good about it. We walked out the store and Trevor on my side not saying a word just walking and looking mad. We got home and me and Trevor said nothing to each other the rest of the night until we were getting ready for bed. My phone buzzed, it was Mark. Trevor looked at my phone "oh its that Mark person" he rolled his eyes. "You don't like him do you?" No, yes- ugh I don't know. Are you jealous? I said with a confused look. No, I just don't want him to take whats mine he said in a low voice. "Huh? Im not anyones right now. I have no body to love me right now so knock what ever you got going on Trevor." I said angrily. We argued about that for hours until Trevor blurted something at me "HAVEN STOP YELLING AT ME AND ILL TELL THE TRUTH." I stopped to hear what he had to say. I crossed my arms and said go ahead tell me. He walked up to me and said I love you Haven, the day I saw you I had butterflies. I've loved you for so long I couldn't keep it in anymore." I froze and probably looked like I saw a ghost "you like me?" "No Haven I don't like you, I love you so fucking much." I was speechless and just laid down and fell asleep.

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