What a Sad Day

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We got back from the Bahamas for a trip but we had to go on another. It was to, Texas? Ok I'm not complaining. We got to go with Percy and Jack so it was going to be fun anyway. This time we took a flight because I'm not driving. Not that I would, I would've made Mark drive anyway. The TSA line took way to long WE STOOD FOR 2 HOURS. I think Jack was getting tired of me saying "I'm tired" "I don't want to be here" because he handed me his phone to go through, I was surprised he did that. I saw that he was talking to a girl and I read their text and they were normal actually. After way too long we got our bags checked and onto the plane I sat next to Percy because why not and we talked most the time until I fell asleep. It was only a 2 hour flight so I didn't sleep that long. Jack has a friend that owns a house in Texas and we got to stay in it. But no one told me it was fucking huge. We were only staying for two weeks and we got a castle to stay in. N-no not an actual castle it was just a big house. I feel like every time this group of people go to another state we always go to a bar or a club of some sort. Like a tradition. The bar we went to was very fun I made a new friend, her name is Talliah, we talked about ourselves for a while and I found out shes a lesbian which I found fucking cool. Mark had to bribe me out of there because I was talking to Talliah the whole time. We had to go to work tomorrow but I was the only one who didn't have to wake up early so I could stay up all night if I wanted to, but I didn't. We had some Japanese restaurant for dinner and it was delicious. Mark, Percy , and Jack went to sleep while I was up doing stupid work. I had some thoughts. "What if I get hurt again."
"Maybe someone will get hurt and not me!" "Will I be alive when I get married?!" I guess we won't know until the future. I was rapping up my work when Percy came downstairs "hi Haven, why are you awake?" "I was finishing my work online" he nodded. I wanted to say something to him but I don't know what. I walked upstairs without a word.
The next morning I got up at 11:30 everybody else was already gone. I got to drive a cool little sports cat today. On the drive there I blasted my music. I had to take a job in the desert so I had a little drive. I was to go to this abandoned building and investigate it incase of people trespassing. I was also on the look for a missing girl she is a blond haired green eyed girl that is only 7. I can only Imagine what happened to her parents. I'm like the FBI I feel like it. I had a gun on my hip and my knife. Walking into the building, it looked cool and creepy at the same time. Glass on the floor and rusty nails. My boots I had on were to withstand the rusty nails. It was silent nothing could make a single noise until I took a step. Glass was crackling under my feet, I checked down that there wasn't anything around the building or inside it. I walked upstairs in the building to find a little cemetery looking thing. It looked like someone died here. "Rest in peace Kathy" so someone died here. I wrote it down on the note pad and heard someone behind me. "Don't touch it!" I whipped my head around to see a little girl. "Hello I'm Haven Davey and I work with the detective department in Tallahassee, Florida. Whats your name?" I stepped closer to look at her better but she wasn't comfortable with me. "I wont hurt you I promise" I wanted her to trust me. "Im Savanna." "Well what are you doing here Savanna?" "My mommy and daddy left me here." My eyes got wide. She described the description of the missing girl. She looked hungry and dehydrated she was very dirty too. "Can I take you back to the police department? I have some food in the car and water if you would like?" She got excited when I said that. I felt bad that her parents abandoned her. I asked her some questions "what are your parents names?" "How old are you" common question for her. We got to the Department and I turned her in along with the clip board of the question. I returned home at 8:30 pm I was sunburnt and exhausted. I walked into the door and fell on the couch. "You good?" Jack asked. "Yes and no, I found a missing girl and she told me her parents abandoned her and she is 7 and I was 7 when I was abandoned and I feel bad because she has to grow up knowing that she was left behind by both of her parents." Jack stood shocked at what I said. "Let me get Mark for you!" I rolled my eyes as Jack ran up the stairs. I'm starving and wanted food. I was excited to get my leftover food from dinner yesterday but someone ate it. Day ruined.
I woke up and smelled bacon cooking. I got up and got dressed for the day and ran downstairs. "Good morning love" Mark said, I hugged him and ate a piece of bacon. "Is it good?" I nodded. "What are you doing today?" I am going to the capital to interview someone that was in isolation. "Sounds fun" I nodded. Knowing that I found someone missing was good but I'm a killer, why am I helping them? I'm doing it for the money thats why. I had a long drive ahead of me so I needed to leave. I said my byes to Mark and headed out. I jammed out the music in the car without a thought in mind. When I got into town I saw lots of buildings and people everywhere. This isn't Florida so obviously its busier. I had to go to the sheriffs department to do the interview. I was greeted by the deputy and was guided to a room where I saw a man sitting at the table. He looked at me and smiled. "I got you his documents and his insurance." Why insurance? Ok. It was going pretty smoothly, he answered the question without hesitate. "He probably wants out, I would to
If I was him." Right in the middle of it I got a call from Jack. I stepped out of the room and answered. "Hello im in the midd-" "You need to drive to the hospital right now!" "What why what happened?" "PERCY GOT SHOT 4 TIMES" the deputy came to me and told me to go. I sprinted like never before to my car and drove off. I wasn't crying probably because I was in shock. I arrived at the hospital and ran to the front desk. "PERCY ABELOS?!" The receptionist looked to me discussed. "He is in surgery right now but you can wait in the waiting room." I wanted to cry, thats my best friend. I walked into the waiting room and saw Jack but not Mark. "Where is Mark?" Jack shrugged his shoulders. "What happened?" "We were at one of our jobs working when we got attacked by these guys and they shot Percy 4 times in the chest." I was about to cry. I probably looked ridiculous right now because I'm wearing a my work uniform. Finally after 30 minutes Mark walks in and sits beside me. "I can't believe this happened" I shook my head. "Me either" I think I fell asleep because Mark shook me awake when we could go see Percy. I was the first in and I started to tear up when I saw Percy laying there. "He doesn't have a big chance of living right now, unless he gets a heart transplant, one of the bullets went through his heart." I broke at that statement. Percy was waking up after the doctors walked out of the room. I held his hand, I was crying a lot. I didn't want Percy to see me like this but I couldn't resist the tears. I stayed at the hospital that night. It was silent I couldn't cry anymore, my cheeks were stained with tears. I felt dead inside knowing my best friend was dying in front of my eyes. The heart rate machine scared me every time it beeped, all you could hear were the nurses talking and the clock, the time went by slow and I wanted it too. I wanted to spend every second with him until he passed. There was no way he was going to make it unless someone donates their heart to him right now. I didn't sleep at all I probably had circles under my eyes. One of the nurses walked in with Mark behind her. "Haven you need sleep you look tired and dirty." "No Im not leaving his side." Did he really call me dirty? Yeah I might be but he doesn't have to say it. Silence filled the room for hours. I felt tired but didn't want to leave him. I felt Percys had weaken in my hand, his grip on my hand fell. "No no no no no no" I started crying again. I looked at his eyes open and look at me. Something escaped his mouth but all I could hear was the heart rate machine beeping. Mark was on the other side of the bed. The machine held a long beep. I looked down to him and watched as he took his final breath. He's gone. His eyes were staring at the ceiling, his body laid lifeless on the bed. I can't believe this. Mark took me to the car and we both were silent. I took a shower and slept. Life felt dead without him always around. Mark seemed depressed I probably did too, I mean I lost my best friend to these jerks that decided to shoot at them. Day after day we waited until we got back to Florida for his funeral so his family could be there. I felt like me and Mark haven't been there for each other, we have been very distant since then. Jack was going to be the only person walking down the isle unless someone else wanted to do it. Maybe his girlfriend, who knows It was a Thursday morning when I got up and had remembered my best friends funeral was today. "I can't believe this." I didn't want to go because I would cry the entire time but I did go. The service was so sad Mark held my hand the entire time. The worst part was that it was raining that day. At least he isn't in pain anymore. Me and Mark stayed after the service to watch his burial.it was raining so we didn't get to do it during the service. It started crying in Marks arm, thats my best friend and he's dead now. I can't believe this.

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