Growing up

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Growing up wasn't the easiest, with my dad always doing his murder things and me sitting with one kill above my head. It feels good but not for long. I want more action, more.

As I started to grow up,
I finally got to move out of my dads house. I was excited, I got a little house down by the Bay area. I also got a cool job not to far from me,I had to take a taxi only because I never took my driving test.
Nobody could find that boy I killed 5 years ago, I still laugh thinking about it, I see posters of him on the gift shops every where I go.
I was pulling up to my office when I saw someone familiar, 'wait is that Lola?' she was walking with a man, he look about 22 years old. I yelled at my taxi driver to stop and I jumped out the car "wait for me here I saw something" I said to the old man. I had to catch up to Lola she was walking way to fast. "LOLA" I scream "HAVEN?, wait your still alive, I thought you would be dead by now?" Funny you assume that.
I asked out of kindness "Have you found Nick?" The man beside her look confused "who is Nick and who is she" he said in a deep motto tone voice. "Oh this is my best friend from high school, I've showed you pictures, and um Nick was my boyfriend at the time. He went missing and we cant find him." I looked at Lola trying to act like I care " wow still can't find him, Im sorry for your luck on that." I walked away with out saying bye.
    I got to my work place, I walked in and saw a man stare at me "hello?" I wave and he introduces himself
"Hi im Trevor, I'll be your work assistant" his voice was to die for. He had blond hair and was a little bit taller than me but I didn't over react at that moment.
While I was thinking he pinched my arm "OW, what was that for?" I said sounding pissed. "You were zoned out,sorry" he said it with a soft voice. My heart melted. He took me into the back and showed me around, "this is the lunch place, we don't really have a name for it so, just lunch place for now." I laughed a little and he smiled at me. We took a few steps and went to the working area, "this is your desk and mine will but in front of yours" 'he is in front of me thats, cool' I was probably blushing but he couldn't see it because of my mask. I sat down and looked at my desk. A large apple monitor and nice keyboard and mouse, A jar of pens and pencils with a card holder on the side. Along with a place for a phone charger. 'This is nice' I thought to myself. Little did I know that Trevor was watching me look at it. "You like it?" "Gah yes, uh forgot you were here" I said with a litte chuckle. "Yup, well I wont creep you out anymore so uh again if you need anything I will be in front of you" I nodded in agreement. He was nice.
As the days went by me and Trevor became close friends and even got his number. I would hang with him outside of work too, im glad I have someone to talk to.

(May 10 2022)
I was sitting at my desk getting documents into the computer system when Trevor came to my desk "hey Haven im going to the club tonight if you would like to go with me." The club? never been there. I said yes only because I've been working my butt for for months. "What time?" I said before he walked away. "Hmm 6 sounds good, I'll come pick you up" oh my gosh pick me up? He was going to see where I lived, I trust him but ugh.
    What do I wear I whispered under my breath. It was 5:27 by the time I got home, I needed a shower but I like to take a long time so I'll just wear a lot of perfume. Sitting by my closet contemplating on what to wear "A dress? No to formal, oh a jump suit, NO NO NO THIS IS A CLUB NOT A PARTY!" I took a look at my clean clothes and saw this white spaghetti strap crop top, and a pair of ripped jeans. The only problem was shoes. I rushed down to my cellar and rummaged through my give away boxes and saw a pair of white high heels. "these will have to do." By the time I was done with my make up I saw that Trevor was here 'shit shit shit shit' I lost my knife my adoptive father gave me damn it. My phone was buzzing it was Trevor calling. Ugh this is not going good. I looked in my closet, under my bed, EVERYTHING. Trevor came to the door. "Fuck he's at my door" I ran to the door and acted like nothing happened. I open the door and said "sorry I lost something you can come in and sit if you would like." 'Dude why would you invite him in asshole' I had just cleaned my house so it was ok but STILL.
He came in and admired my house, I couldn't tell what he was doing because I was looking for my knife. Finally after 10 minutes of looking for it, I found it in my drawer with my picture. I ran out and saw Trevor sitting on my couch still looking at my house. "I like your house" He said happily. "Thanks, now lets go." I walked outside and saw he had a 2021 rolls Royce Cullinan. My jaw dropped looking at that big thing. He comes up behind me and says "you like it?" With a soft voice. "Yes its a pretty car. I didn't know you had that!" My head was in a fantasy "yup crazy I know" after my mind was blown we got into his car and drove. It was awkward the first few minutes but I finally got onto my phone and saw that they had found the missing boy. Oh my god,
My heart dropped from my chest to my stomach. I had thoughts running through my head, my main one was how did they find him, it was a deep lake. Im sure of it. I didn't want to think of it because I wanted to have fun but I don't think I can. "They shouldn't be able to find the person that killed him so I think im safe." After a few minutes we came up to a building that looked huge. "We are here!" I looked over at him and he looked deep into my eyes and said wait for a sec. He jumped out the car and ran over to my side and opened the door. 'Such a gentleman' "thank you young man' I said with a smile. "My pleasure my lady" and we walked into the club they checked our id and let us in. Trevor lead me to a bar and got me a drink. I was looking around because this was my first time. My eyes were looking everywhere, people dancing and drinking and making out. Trevor grabbed my hand and said "I would like a dance if you wouldn't mind" I got butterflies. "Yes I would love to" he nodded and our drinks came and we talked for a while until he finished his. I wanted to try to stay sober for..reasons. After I finished mine he grabbed my waist and led me to the dance floor and started slow dancing. I didn't know how to do this because its my first time. I didn't want to tell him that so I followed his lead. My hips swayed to the beat of the music, Trevors eyes were all over me as we danced, they never left me. I felt like a special person at the moment. The music ended and I sat down at the bar and Trevor got another drink. He was going to be drunk and I knew it. I sat there for a good while and Trevor had left to talk with his buddies. I watched as he kept looking at me "did I like him, I mean why would he like me back?" I was interrupted again in my thoughts. Can I ever get a moment to think? No apparently not. A guy, looked a little drunk. Grabbed my thigh. "Let go of me I have no business for you" he didn't listen. He instantly grabbed my hands and yanked me. "LET GO" he turned to me and said no your to pretty to leave here. 'At least he thought I was pretty' I turned around and saw Trevor standing there but didn't see me. So I grabbed my knife and cut his arm. He yelled at me and attempted to grab me again. I held my hand up with my knife and stabbed his shoulder and kicked his stomach, he fell back and his head fell back. I kicked his balls before I walked off. That will teach him something. I looked at my phone and saw that they discovered more about Nick. Ugh I wanted to die.
2 hours passed and Trevor came up to me and said "we are leaving now" and grabbed my hand. I was taken by surprise. He didn't sound happy so I ignored him. After we got into the car I realized he was drunk and was swerving everywhere. "Let me drive, your going to kill us if you don't let me" He surprisingly did pull over and let me drive. The only thing is, I don't know how. 'Damn I don't know how to drive' I tried to remember what my adoptive father taught me and I did actually really good. I drove to my house and said he isn't driving back to his house. So I unlocked my door and he came in. I led him to my bed and laid him there, I went and grabbed water and set it next to his side of the bed. He looked at me and babbled something I couldn't understand it so I just left and went to shower. I grabbed clothes and went to the bathroom. I took a long shower. The bathroom was steamy and I was just clearing my head. After about an hour I got out and got dressed. I saw my phone buzzing with twitter notifications. I ignored it because I knew what it was. Trevor still doesn't know im a killer so I don't want to ruin our friendship with that. I walked out the bathroom and saw him asleep. I dropped my dirty clothes on the floor before I walked out the door. I saw my living room was a but unorganized so I took a second to clean it. After I was done I admired the place and grabbed my laptop and did some paper work. After 2 hours and nonstop typing I saw it was almost 2 in the morning and I have a meeting today. I ran to the bed room and laid next to Trevor. I could smell the tequila he had. I could not sleep so I sat on my phone reading articles about Nick. I was surprised how quickly they wrote these. Sometime went by and Trevor rolled over to me and grabbed my waist to pull me closer. I was scared but dealt with it. I fell asleep in his arms, I've never felt safer in my life just sitting in his arms.

     My alarm was ringing, my head hurt and my body. I didn't want to get up, but I had too. Trevor was still asleep so I was good. I went into my closet and grabbed my clothes. I was doing my make up when he started waking up. I didn't pay mind to him and kept getting ready. I wrote a note and laid it on his phone. As I was in the taxi I was think about what happened last night. I didn't feel bad for stabbing him, I kinda wanted to do it again. I soon arrived at the office and got out. I walked in and went to the meeting room. 'Good I wasn't the last one here' I sat until the last person showed up. It was Rodney. He was a creep to me, he always stared at me and watched my ever move. Never liked him never will. We started the meeting and it seemed like  it never ended. I took notes and lots of them. Hours went by and it finally ended 'this felt like my math class' I got into the taxi when I got a text from Trevor
Saying "I left your house because I felt unwelcome sorry" I wasn't sad but I understand why. I texted him back and I was finally home. I wanted to murder someone it felt like the right thing to do.

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