Chapter One: First Day of School

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Everything couldn't be going better. Scratch that, it could. 

15 year-old (Y/n) (L/n) lived her life normally. She had friends and family, aunts and uncles, annoying younger cousins, everything! She lived in a house on a street right near her best friend. She was allowed to walk around and roller skate to her grandmas and friends houses. Everything was great for her! School was awesome! Grades, may have been B's, but hey! They could be D's or C's! Awesome right? Yeah! That is, until the morning of the next day. Her mother and father told her they were moving to Hilly Woodlands. But why? She loved it here! All (Y/n) remembers from their talk is that, 'It's for the greater good.' Greater good?! What greater good?! (Y/n) couldn't help but cry herself to sleep that night. Her life was just about to change. 

Today, you live in Hilly Woodlands in a brick house. A pretty decent sized one too. Her room was alright, it looked just like it did back home. So far, life has been great! But that was just life. Today was your first day of school. Yup. New school, new friends, new enemies and bullies. A lot of things were about to go down. Right now, you continue to open and close drawers with a bang, pulling out clothes of matching colors. You decided to wear your two most favorite colors today, bringing out some shorts with tights as well. Once you had showered and ate breakfast, you were out the door. You said your goodbyes to the house, like you usually would, and left, slamming the door cheerfully. You then pulled up your phone to check the time, waiting for the bus. As you sat down, a boy wearing a green jacket over an orange shirt joined you. You two shared glances before you waved, earning a shy wave from him. He smiled at you before you both were snapped out of your gazes, looking at what made the noise. The yellow bus stood before you. It was just like your bus, but it said 'Hilly Woodlands School District' on it. The boy stood up, rushing towards the bus, you following. He allowed you to get on first, you nodded quietly as a thank you, earning yet another adorable (so you thought) smile. You walked up the bus and paused for a moment, looking around at everyone. They were all chatting and laughing with each other. They all had a friend there, you couldn't seem to see someone you could talk to. You caught eyes with a student before you heard a faint cough. It was the boy behind you. You uttered an apology before zooming to the closest seat open. It happened to be right in the back with the student you caught eyes with. There was only one boy back there so, you scooted closer to the window and away from him. You caught him gaze at you for a moment from the corner of your eye, but his face held a nonchalant 'I don't care' expression. You continued to look around, watching the sun rise turn into day slowly, the birds fly past the windows, and some lizard crawl by. It was a tiny green one, and when the bus almost hit it, the little green lizard ran into the distance and behind a light pole. The bus then stopped again, presumably picking up another child. As the bus doors opened, it was as if cool music was cued. The muscular boy wearing a yellow cap walked through the bus, waving and shooting finger guns at people, who simply rolled their eyes. Popular kid maybe? All you know is that he was coming to the back seat of the bus. You scooted closer to the window, hoping he wouldn't see you. He came and sat beside the 'I don't care' dude, placing the bag beside him, sort of squishing you to the wall more. You made no sounds, hoping to disappear. You didn't look at him, but heard him talk. His voice was a bit raspy. He had a Louisiana accent, and he talked pretty loudly. 

"Hey there, Brandon!" You heard him say. Brandon? It must be the 'I don't care' kid. You heard the guy named Brandon groan before you turned, seeing the other one ruffling his hair. Brandon pushed his hand away, fixing his hair again. It returned to its messy state nonetheless. 

"Wyatt!" You heard him shout quietly back. "I told you not to mess with my hair!"

"Sorry, I forgot." Wyatt said back, you assumed with a sarcastic smirk. You caught eyes with Brandon once again before he realized you were watching. His cheeks seemed pink now. You looked away, thinking he might assume why you're staring. "Oh," You heard Wyatt say. You hoped to dear life that he wasn't gonna talk about you. Your hopes to dear life weren't answered, sadly. "I get it. You like her?" He sort of whispered. Your cheeks heated up. This guy had some nerves. He knew you were right there! Brandon began to stutter, sounding a bit upset. 

"What? No, Wyatt! Just because someone makes eye contact with the opposite gender doesn't mean they like them!" Brandon explained. You imagined that now he hoped he would disappear. It was totally understandable. You felt the same way. You gained enough confidence to turn around, a bit flustered at Wyatt's statement. He was grinning at his friend mischievously  when he noticed you. His face seemed to fall at the sight of yours. What's his problem?

"Also, Wyatt," You stated his name as if you've known him for years. You could see Brandon gazing at you with shocked eyes. "I am right here! If you want to tease someone about someone else, do it somewhere else!" Your words were nearly tongue tied. Wyatt seemed bewildered at your reaction, but turned his shook expression into a flirtatious smile. You returned it with a glare. 

"You're confident, ya know that?" He told you, also as if he'd known you your whole life. "Say, what's your name?" Your eyes felt like they widened. They did. Brandon had lost interest in this conversation. He seemed like the kind of guy to do that. He was now gazing out the window. As you gazed into Wyatt's eyes, you realized how, surprisingly beautiful they were. NO! NO! NO! Were you falling for him? No. Not in any world at any time. No. You were snapped out of your thoughts by him waving his hand. "Hello?" After you clicked back into reality, his somewhat flirty smile grew. He seemed to hear your thoughts. 

"Sorry," You apologized immediately, hoping it'd erase your staring from his mind. "I'm (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)." You stuck out your hand and took his confidently, even though you showed nervousness. You just then realized how big his hands were compared to yours. After you both had ended the firm handshake, he leaned into his seat. You ignored him slightly checking you out, letting a small shy smile spread onto your face. 

"Well, you already know my name so...yeah! We know each other now!" As he told you this, the bus stopped. You were actually comforted by his words. You knew someone. Actually, you knew two people. Brandon and Wyatt. They seemed to have a close history together. Nice. You knew somebody. It was the start of a great day!


Sorry, I am completely obsessed with this show and since no one does reader inserts I'ma do it for ya! Later ya'll!

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