Chapter Two: Well, that was normal, right?

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Your first day of school went great! All throughout the day, you talked to Wyatt and Brandon. Brandon seemed to take no interest in you, hardly even smiling ever, and just followed along usually. The day was over sooner than you thought, sadly. You kept catching yourself staring at Wyatt, who returned your flustered moments with finger guns. He seemed to enjoy doing that. Right now, you were walking around Hilly Woodlands. It was a Saturday, and you decided to do something. Well, pretty much just walk around humming your favorite song. Or at least you tried to. You had this Olivia Rodrigo song stuck in your head. "I hope you're happy, but not like how you were with me, I'm selfish I know, I can't let you go."  It kept playing over and over again, so, you tried to sing other songs. You made it up a block before you ran into someone. You didn't fall over, but you did hit the guy pretty hard. Once you gazed up into his eyes, you knew who he was. "Wyatt?" You asked. He grinned at you before pointing finger guns once again. 

"Hello baby!" He sang out. You winced at the name, 'baby'. But, the more you got to know him, he used it a lot, so you let this one slide. 

"Where are you going?" You asked. Brandon was right behind him, nonchalant as usual. He had a serious glare on his face. This was normal Brandon you assumed. 

"To work!" Wyatt stated, interrupting you from your thoughts about Brandon. "Me and Brandon work as apprentices in a garage on Saturdays! Ain't that right, Brandon?" He nudged Brandon, who seemed to be lost in thought. He was probably thinking of something smart. He was quiet, but probably planned for war on people. 

"Yeah, and if we don't hurry, Larry's gonna kill us." He said, emotionless. You felt like he was overreacting. Wyatt listened and two of them ran off, yelling their goodbyes. You walked on continuing to sing quietly, but a different song flew past your lips. You continued to sing, walking down the pavement that slowly proceeded to wrap around the park. You were now walking back to your house and up the hill you came down. 

"I hate you, I love you, I hate that I love you." You whisper sang before someone bumped into you again. The girl had ginger hair in a pixie cut. She wore an over-sized black T-shirt with a black choker. She seemed to be extremely hurried. Two other girls, about the same age, ran up behind her.  One had curly, dirty blonde hair in a pony tail. The other had a bob of black hair. They all seemed to be in one group. "Gees! Why am I so clumsy!?" 

"It wasn't your fault!" The ginger haired girl spoke suddenly. He voice was somewhat deep. "Me and my friends were in a hurry. Also, did...were you singing? Your voice is beautiful!" The girl seemed to get distracted easily. You raised an eyebrow. Then, one of the other girls, the blonde, came up to you. 

"Hi, I'm Emily and I completely apologize for my friend's short attention span and also her clumsiness." Emily told you quickly, shaking your hand forcefully. Her grip was firm, but okay. You shook back, your eyebrow maintaining its position. "Now, why she was asking is because we're actually here running around to find a member who can sing. Having three members of a band just doesn't cut it." She said, quickly once again. You took your hand back. 

"Are you inquiring of me so you can get another band member because I happen to be singing as well?" You tried to ask quickly just as she did. The three girls nodded in sync, the one with black hair seeming more shy with her nod. "Look, I just moved here and I don't intend on getting caught up in---" Before you could finish, the calm air resting on you seemed to turn into a fast wind. It was caused by four race cars zooming by. A green one, a red one, a blue and yellow one. You heard one of the drivers call out, and you knew the voice. "YOU AGAIN!? ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME OR SOMETHING!?" 

"No sweetheart, we continue to come together by chance!" He then interrupted himself by calling out, 'Wyatt Style Baby!' It made you chuckle. You saw the other girls look at you with half open eyelids and smirks. You blushed a moment, realizing what they thought. 

"So," The one with ginger hair, that you did not know the name of yet, began to say. "You like Wyatt?" Your blush grew darker. "Let me tell you this, be careful! That boy is something else."

"All of those boys are!" Emily began to state, adding to the other girl's words. "The ones driving? They always ride through here! They are actually the only action in this place." She looked around at the boring town. "It'd make sense that you fall for one of them." She then gazed back at you, smirking. The other girls shared knowing looks.

"It's not--don't look at me like that!" The girls laughed at your flustered actions. This caused you to blush more. Emily looked at you after laughing, a bit of curiosity in her eyes. 

"I haven't seen you here before?" You looked around, the red fading off your cheeks. "Did you just move here?" You nodded. 

"Yeah, I'm actually from (Hometown)." You told her, twirling your hair with your finger. Your eyes shifted to the left in thought. "Can I...hang out with you guys? I don't really have any friends." The girls shared nods before saying you could. You sighed, thinking they would reject your company. 

"By the way, I'm Patricia, but please call me Pat, and that is Yvonne." She pointed to the girl with black hair. You waved at her, which she returned with a shy smile and wave. "Now, let's get going!" The four of you walked around, completely forgetting to take you home. You guys talked on and on until a black car followed by purple smoke interrupted. "I think this town just keeps getting better!" Pat shouted excitedly, racing to follow the car. You all ran along, breathing hard.

"I hope this doesn't have anything to do with the boys!" Emily told Pat. The girls all shared nods, you looking to the left thoughtfully. The car seemed to create an orange track. The four of you stopped running, then being hit by a whoosh of air. It was a blue tow truck. 

"Well, what the heck!?" You shouted to the girls, who all shared confused looks. Emily hummed while Pat looked up in thought. Yvonne was quiet, staring into the distance. "This town just keeps getting better and better!" 

"No kidding." Yvonne finally spoke. She said this quietly. Everyone looked at her. Her voice was shrill and soft, like a baby's first hum. Pat and Emily seemed bewildered. 

"You spoke!?" They said, in sync. You tilted your head. You assumed she probably never talked. The girls all walked closer. Yvonne nodded shyly, letting out a whimper. Suddenly, not too far away, you hear a faint shout. 

"Four Score!" 

"Get your paws off me! I voted for you!" It sounded like a robotic Abraham Lincoln and an old lady. You ran into the distance, following the sound and ignoring the girls calling your name. You saw a news reporter on the floor, a camera guy who was running away and a giant Abraham Lincoln placing an old lady into a stack of old people; forming a house. A log cabin to be exact. Suddenly, a giant pigeon flew by. You could hear the sounds of people screaming everywhere. Its cries grew louder as it scooped up Pat, her letting out a shout. You three had no choice but to call out her name. 
"PAT!" It was no use. You couldn't get her back. You brought your hands to your mouth. Well, this is the most boring town now. Everything seemed to be going wrong today! What was the cause of this? You looked at the other girls who were shook. "What do we do?" Was all you could ask before you got blank, terrified stares. No one knew what to do. A giant pigeon and Abraham Lincoln? A black car with purple smoke? Your friend was carried away? What do you do?

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