Chapter Six: Animal Monster Cars

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After Brandon's explanation, you thought it'd make a great idea. If you guys planned it right, it could work. You walked over and stood beside Gage, daring yourself not to glare at Wyatt, who you found annoying at the moment because he ignored you. Why though? You had done nothing wrong. You and Gage stared at the tube Brandon held from afar. Brandon then called Jerry, who came rolling in and asked if they would like a beverage. Brandon shook his head and squirted some 'Cheetah DNA' onto him, and that sent him speeding around the lab and to the outside. You all stood back and watched Jerry run his course before you all regathered in the lab once again. Wyatt and Gage stood in awe, gazing towards the Jerry-sized hole in the wall. "Cheetah fuel." They stated, dreamily, Gage looking at Brandon. 

"So, how long until it's ready?" Gage asked, his smile having an excited sparkle to it. Brandon hummed thoughtfully before bringing his hand to his chin. 

"About an hour." Was all that Brandon had to state to make the two let out groans of boredom and annoyance. "Do I look like a wizard?" You giggled under your breath at his question. Luckily, no one heard your laugh. You took a moment to imagine Brandon in a wizards hat and cloak. "If you want your cheetah fuel, I need an hour." He told them after a second of a pause, the last words seeming a bit more bolder than the others. "With Rhett and (Y/n)'s help, maybe less!" As he said this, Rhett got smashed in between a door he was playing with. You stifled a small giggle you wanted to let out and pretended to just stare blankly, blinking a bit to process. "With Rhett, maybe more..." Brandon said, turning to the two others. "Why don't you keep an eye out for Rev," He paused for a moment. "Unless," Brandon's plan of reverse psychology was coming on. "You think you can't work together."

"I can work together way better than Gage." Wyatt had begun the first sentence to start the reverse psychology argument Brandon had planned, and this made the 'boy in blue' smile. His antics had worked. You smirked a bit, understanding what was going on. Gage immediately snapped back. 

"Well I can work together faster than you, Wyatt." Gage said, his voice laced with venom. Wyatt scoffed. You just watched this madness play out, mentally laughing at and high fiving Brandon.

"Yeah, right! I can work together so good, I can do it solo!" Appears Wyatt didn't get the point of 'working together.' After he said this, Gage shouted back, although he didn't raise his voice too loudly. 

"Oh yeah," Gage began before the two ran off. You could hear them yelling at each other as they disappeared, likely heading to look out for Rev. You and Brandon shared a knowing smirk before walking inside, Brandon returning to his casual, serious face. Rhett was inside inspecting the DNA canisters, tapping his chin thoughtfully and murmuring the names under his breath. 

"Hey, what about some turtle DNA, huh?" Rhett asked. Brandon had the same face on as he replied. You just watched once again, coming up behind Brandon. You had just now realized you were the shortest one there. No big deal. You were kind of short.

"No offense, but, turtle DNA is pretty much the worst DNA." You and Rhett scoffed, disagreeing in sync. 

"Not true!" You both told Brandon, earning his serious glare. But after that one statement in sync, you two went on different disagreeing arguments. 

"Turtles win races you know!" Was what Rhett said. Whereas you said something else along the lines of turtles being cool. You paused to look at him. Was he talking about the story of The Tortoise and The Hare? "What, you never read the story of The Tortoise and The Hare?" Your assumption was confirmed when he said this. You looked at Brandon, who blinked in response. Not a confused blink; an 'are you serious' blink. Casual Brandon. "The turtle wins!" But Rhett wasn't done there. "And as for the hare, it turns out he was a ghost the whole time." He wiggled his fingers in a spooky manner as he said this. You gave him a perplexed blink, being in almost sync with Brandon. 

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