Chapter Nine: We're a Team, You and Me

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Before you all knew it, Gage's Twin Mil was zooming off into the distance. The little green blur only showed half of how fast he was going; Gage felt every bit of the speed. He enjoyed it. It was his life. You let out a loud cheer, throwing your fist into the air as you drove on. The racing went on and a couple minutes later, a roof flew your way. It only took a couple minutes for the cars parts to continue flying at you. 

"You're crazy, ya know that!" Wyatt called out to Gage, who didn't answer but threw something else. Soon it wasn't only parts. No it was clothes. A green flap of fabric flew into Rhett, causing you and Wyatt to look that way. "Was that Gage's shirt?!" A couple more things flew towards you before you saw some other pieces of clothing. 

"Coming size eights!" Brandon yelled out. "PANTS!" The green pants stuck onto Brandon. It was probably from Gage sweating so much. You cringed and shrunk back. 

"Ew EW!" You cried out dramatically, covering the spot with your hands. "Was that really necessary?!" You put out your hands, once again, dramatically.

"Told ya he's crazy!" Wyatt shouted out to you, motioning to Gage with one hand while keeping the other on the wheel and looking at you. He shook his head a little, but he held a smile on his face. You smiled at it. It was nice to see someone happy. When you turned your attention back to Gage, he was so close to Rev. A fire sparked in your heart. It was yelling out for Gage to hurry. You balled your fists in both excitement and eagerness. The vehicle was just a chassis now. Gage zoomed in front of Rev, standing up, and swerved in front of him. Rev came skidding to a stop, and you held in your cheer. Your knuckles turned white as you sat on the edge of the seat. The only thing holding you back was your seat belt. Brandon finally found his aim, moving the ray around. You heard him let out a small cheer under his breath as the purple ray zoomed across the pavement and to Rev. The black sleek car turned into a shell. It slowed, and was obviously too slow to speed away. As you all came to a sudden stop, you jerked slowly, causing you to be more dizzy than cheery right at the moment. Gage had a grin on his face while the top of the shell car lifted to reveal the adorable robot you all knew. 

"Would you like a beverage?" Jerry inquired in his robot voice once again, earning laughs from you all. 

"Oh Jerry." You all told the oblivious bot in sync. You heard all of the boy's laughter clatter into one. It was a very, let's say, beautiful noise. You looked to Wyatt as he pulled back into the truck. He caught eyes with you, a grin playing on his face. You held your smile for a minute. He lifted his foot as the break after changing the gears from 'park' to 'drive'. You didn't want to move your eyes away, but you managed. He was pretty handsome for his type. Hey, he might've even been yours. He drove in front of Turtle Rev and parked once again, hopping out of the vehicle and running to the back. He hooked up Rev to his truck and came back in after a minute. The grin still played. He was pretty happy right now. Despite it being Gage who saved the day, he was happy. Happy for the team.
The road's pavement could be seen in the distance as you drove off. The dirt extended past it, but you were sure the city was near. You kept glancing out of the window, cacti in the view. Little geckos scattered upon the loud car and truck noises. You all drove off into the distance until a question popped up. You raised your hand, and seemingly they noticed. Wyatt did, he turned to you slightly, keeping his eyes on the road. 

"What about Blue's car?" As you said, you heard the screeching of tires.  

"Yeah," Brandon began slowly. "I'm still up here." 

"Well shoot!" Wyatt said, pulling the gears into reverse. Your view switched from his eyes and cocky grin, to the hand holding the gear. You realized a moment before you shook your head in fear. Wyatt moved his hands to the wheel and lifted his eyebrows up and down at you. Your stomach tickled for a moment, but it was interrupted by rewinding of the vehicle.  Wyatt continued to trade glimpses of behind him, you, and Brandon up top. This freaking guy was wild--and to be honest you kind of liked it. You may have been shouting, but it was fun. Brandon was shouting a bit as well. The cars before you faded as you drove backwards. You held in the many many curse words and shouted out random words instead. It made Wyatt laugh. Before you both knew it, you reached the Quik and Sik. The truck jerked to a halt and Brandon dizzily hopped off the roof with his portable ray. His hand was on his head as he shook off the nausea. He frowned at Wyatt before heaving a sigh, and simply walking back to his car. Wyatt then looked at you, he was smiling. You were catching your breath, hand on your chest when you finally noticed. As his smile turned to a grin, you playfully nudged him. 

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