Chapter Seven: Catching Rev...Or Not

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You guys were riding along the sewer. It still stunk, but, now you had gotten used to it; it was tolerable. You were riding with Wyatt as usual, and, he seemed to be gazing around the sewers adventurously. You kept your eyes glued for a moment before joining him and looking around. It was green and brown down there, and you knew why. "There's an exit valve that spills into the desert." You heard Gage say, gazing towards the radio, then the green twin mil. 

"According to my makeshift mutant tracking device," Brandon began, sounding smart and technical once again. "They should be just up ahead." 

"Let's kill the engines so we don't give away our position." Gage ordered, doing so first. Wyatt, Rhett and Brandon followed along, turning their keys. The humming stopped and you felt a relief wash over you. The animals would hear them now. You all stepped out of the vehicle. Since you were on the passenger side, you walked over and joined Wyatt, standing beside him normally. "Alright guys," Gage began to order once again. You glanced over for a second and saw Wyatt roll his eyes. "Let's be very quiet. We'll sneak up on them and we'll get 'em by surprise." Gage hit his fist into his palm as he said so. "Now remember, we're dealing with wild animals here, so-" 

"Come on when are we gonna go?" Wyatt said, his voice sounding half curious and half adventurous. He waved his hands out, missing you barely. He didn't notice he almost hit you, but you didn't mind. You just watched him go on. Both upset and amused with his action. "I got my eyes on Stingy." Wyatt told you guys, clenching his fists in determination to find the thing known as 'Stingy'. All he earned from you and the Team were blinks of processing and confusion. After a second, Wyatt went on to explain, keeping his hungry-for-adventure sounding voice. "The scorpion?" He asked in classification. "Can you imagine riding that thing? It could take you out with one sting whenever it pleases." He moved his finger to resemble the scorpions stinger, making a sound as well. You stifled a giggle. "Now that is a thrill ride baby." He went on to cheer, causing an echo. It made his eyes widen in amusement and his mouth spread into a smile. That was really cool. You thought so too. You stood beside him, now facing the opposite direction of the Team along with him. Gage was about to tell him not to do that when Wyatt interrupted. If it was intentional, we'll never know. "ECHO!" He called into the tunnel, creating another echo. Gage was about to tell him to stop again, but, you called. You honestly didn't hear him until he began to talk. 

"ECHO OUT LOUD!" You called, earning a more than just content smile from Wyatt. You felt guilt come on you as you heard Gage call again. You kept your mouth shut from that point on. Wyatt was pretty stunned by you joining him in his antics. He looked at you for a couple seconds before calling out again. 

"I LOVE MY GAMMY GRAM!" As usual, it echoed. You couldn't hold back a small smile that came onto suddenly. Wyatt turned over his shoulder to smirk at Gage. A smirk that said, 'you see Gage, nothing happened!' You were admiring his smirk for a moment until you heard a voice call back. 

"Gammy Gram loves you too!" It of course echoed. It made Wyatt's eyes widen a bit, yours too. His Gammy Gram heard him? From all the way down here? Was she in the bathroom or something? Who knows. Things are weird in this town, not like what the guide said at all. 

"What a strange echo." You heard Brandon utter to no one in particular, looking to Gage. You and Wyatt turned back around to chime in.

"You guys feel that." Gage asked, you suddenly realized the small earthquake happening right beneath you. It created a distant rumbling you could hear. 

"I sure hope that's my stomach." Rhett said. 

"I think we better get in our cars." Gage told you guys. You all got in and braced for impact. Wyatt  had his hands on the steering wheel tight. You assumed everyone else did too. You hissed under your breath, catching a glimpse of Wyatt since you turned your head. He could see you out of the corner of his eye, but stared ahead. As the deep rumbles grew louder, a ton of tiny brown critters came running through the sewers. You knew what they were immediately, bringing your hands to your mouth. 

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