Chapter Eight: The Confessions and The Mission

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You were speechless as your uncle Larry stood there before you. He seemed upset and angered. But mainly, he was disappointed. You could see it in his eyes. You wanted to break out into a teary fit right now. Everything seemed to be going great today, huh? 

"I leave you boys alone for all of act two, and this is what I get?!" Larry asked, anger and irritation laced his words. You only stared as your uncle went on. He met eyes with you only once before gazing towards the boys again. You only wondered what he had coming for you. "You broke into my lab, stole my precious collection of animal DNA, and ruined Jerry!" Your uncle motioned towards the robot who was strolling by, stuttering. 

"Would you like a..." The robot trailed off, turning his head shakily while stammering out words. "Meatloaf." 

"He's even buggier than before!" Larry exclaimed, walking closer. The boys were all grouped together. They had put their weapons down, and now supported guilty expressions. You did as well, rubbing your arm with your hand. You gazed over when you heard Gage chuckling nervously, moving his hands around while trying to explain. 

"And we kind of, sort of didn't..." Gage paused for a moment, looking at Wyatt in disappointment. He knew they both did this. As much as he didn't want to be blamed, Gage had some part in the mess as well. "Catch Rev." Larry didn't seem amused when he heard. 

"Oh," Larry began loudly, catching your attention. "I know!" He told you guys. As he said, he lifted up a remote and pointed it towards an empty spot in the room. "Even though I gave you every opportunity." He pressed the button, causing smoke to rise. You let out a cough before opening your eyes, trying to peer into the smokey distance. If you were correct, you could see...Rev? What? How was he here? At least his car. As the smoke cleared, the assumption you made was confirmed. You heard the Team let out stutters. Your eyes widened at the sight. Where was the guy? Who was the guy? How'd Larry get 'em? "Now before you go asking a million questions, let me just say." Larry paused for dramatic effect. "There is no Rev." The words spilling out made you and the boys gasp. What did this mean? How did this work. 
"Rev is just a name I gave to my sweet car!" He told you guys as if nothing happened just a second ago. "And I use this to control it!" He held up the remote and made the car move by rubbing his thumb against the screen. "Pretty cool invention, huh?"

"Uncle Larry!" You shouted out, not caring what anyone thought at the moment. You stepped closer, guiltiness leaving from you. "You mean to say that we nearly died for no reason?" Venom laced your voice as you asked through gritted teeth. Larry brushed off your 'venomous' state by raising an eyebrow. 

"First of, (Y/n), what are you even doing here? You're not a part of the Team!" The words made your stomach drop, but you didn't show it. Before you even went on, your Uncle continued. "Second off, this was all for the fun of it! By that I mean that you guys had the times of your lives. And nobody really almost died, they just overreacted." 

"What about the sharks?" You asked, crossing your arms. Larry looked like you had him at that. You couldn't hold back a small smug expression from plastering onto your face. 

"So you made all those things happen?" Brandon asked, sounding sad and confused. Moreover, he sounded disappointed. "But why?!" He exclaimed. Larry took no time to answer. 

"What I really needed was to find the next generation of fearless drivers." Larry began to explain. "Because there's a lot of bad guys who'll stop at nothing to steal my technology." After he said this, you heard some robotic voice copy his words, only sounding a bit more evil with them. You gazed at Jerry, but back to Larry as he went on. "This phone controls all the crazy stuff Rev can do. Imagine what would happen if it fell into the wrong hands?" Larry asked, but expected no answer. Gage had noticed Jerry as well. Everyone did besides Larry. He was about to point out Jerry's behavior but Uncle Larry went on.
"You were the opposite of Team. A Team like that could destroy the whole town."  Jerry copied the words again, ripping the map of Hot Wheels City off the wall. You winced as you watched, switching your eyes between Larry and Jerry. "I really thought you guys were gonna be the next generations of racers." He looked down in sadness and disappointment as well. You felt a small guilt rise over you. "But I guess I was wrong."
Jerry yelled out again, copying the 'destroy the whole town' statement. "I wish this ended differently, but..." Larry paused to rip off the Team Hot Wheels stickers from the boys suits, causing them to gasp. Rhett let out a complaint, but Larry ignored it. "And now," Larry shoved the trash bin towards them with his foot. "I need your keys." The boys stared into the trash can in sadness and shock. They were just throwing it all away. All of it. All of it. As the boys dropped the keys, you watched their saddened expressions. You sighed, and Larry noticed. He looked towards you. "And (Y/n)," You looked up upon hearing your name. "You can't tell anyone about this. You weren't even supposed to be here." You looked to the side in guilt. You were about to explain when Wyatt stepped beside you. 

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