Chapter Five: The Super Loop

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You guys continued to drive on, following him until he leaped over a gorge. It was a far drop from the canyon, but that wasn't what worried them. What they were worried about is how they'd catch up to Rev. You heard a clicking noise and looked at Wyatt, who was getting out of the vehicle. Well, sort of. He stuck his head out, still looking at the car in awe. "Did ya'll just see that? Or have I gone wack-a-billy." You stifled a laugh hearing the word. 

"He's daring us to chase him!" Gage said, standing outside of his Twin Mill. Your face dropped whenever you heard this. "I vote for chasing him!" 

"I vote for sobbing quietly in fear." Rhett said, sounding a bit scared. You nodded. 

"I'm gonna go with Rhett's idea." You said, earning a weird gaze from Wyatt. It was hard to tell what he was trying to tell you through his facial expression at the moment. 

"That is scientifically impossible." Brandon stated, making you turn towards the radio. 

"Sobbing quietly?" Rhett began to ask, gaining both of you and Wyatt's attentions. "I'm doing it right now." He began to mockingly sob. This made Brandon stutter both upset and confused. 

"What, no! I mean getting across that gorge!" Brandon corrected him, raising his voice. "It's scientifically impossible." Gage walked closer to the end of the canyon, gazing at the other side with determination in his eyes. 

"We can clear it, if we go fast enough!" Gage said, encouragingly. "You know my motto! 'It always comes down to speed'." It felt like there should've been cool music playing. If not, then determined music. Documentary music type thing maybe? 

"I thought your motto was 'It always comes down to waffles'?" Rhett asked, getting a laugh out of you. You tried to hide it, but Wyatt silently joined you. This encouraged you to do it. Gage crossed his arms. Rhett done ruined his moment!  

"That-that's my other motto." Gage stammered out. He then paused a minute before turning to Brandon in his blue car. "Brandon, you must know a way to get through that loop." 

"Well," Brandon began to say, sounding a bit technical as he went on. "There is one way we might clear it, but the scientific odds of it working are slim to zip." Wyatt, who was still outside the window, cheered. 

"Bring it on science! I'll take you down!" Wyatt called out, hopping back inside his truck and starting it. You stared at the huge loop in terror. You'd have to ride that. Now, you were never one for not having fun but that actually looked scary to you. You unbuckled, causing Wyatt to turn to you. "Nope!" You stated before going on to gaze at the super loop again. "I am not going on that with you! Nope! No sir! I'll go with someone safer!" You then looked to him before going to open the door. When you turned your back towards him, you heard him sigh. 

"That's okay, (Y/n)." He told you, sounding a bit sad. "I'm sure you'll have fun with whoever you're going with." You nodded to him before slipping, letting out a yelp. Wyatt went on to ask if you were okay. You told him it was because the truck was so big that you fell out. It made him laugh a bit. You took no hesitation to walk over to Brandon's car and hop in. He was right behind the truck. Brandon looked puzzled. You invited yourself to buckle up, looking at him with a half smile. 

"What are you doing?" He asked you, turning to you fully. You gazed at him a moment, blinking once before you realized what he had asked. 

"Oh! I'm riding with you because you seem like the safest member to go with!" You told him promptly. He shrugged with a somewhat emotionless expression. His car was started already, so, all he had to do was bring his foot off the brake. Once he did so, you guys drove around, following the others to the orange strip of track. His car was much more smooth than the truck. It must've been some new tech or something. While driving, he looked at you with a serious gaze. "Do you know how to drive?" You were unaware how to answer, looking front and back to him multiple times. You then nodded. You knew how to, sort of. Your driving skills were a work in progress. You just hoped he wouldn't make you drive through the super loop. "Good. Take the wheel." His face stayed the same as he said this. Suddenly, a wheel popped up in front of you. You watched him lift up to his roof, placing your hands on the wheel. Holy cow! You were actually doing this! You looked straight, paying attention at all costs. You're sure all of them there had more driving experience than you, so, you tried to watch how they drove whenever you were with them. Right at the moment though, you drove yourself. "Listen up guys, we have to drive in a perfect formation!" You had a feeling Brandon was the most mature when he said this to his Team. Of course it wasn't Wyatt or Rhett. "It's called 'drafting' and it's our only shot at catching up to Rev." Brandon uttered to everyone, firmly. "We need skills, precision and teamwork!" You caught a quick glimpse of Brandon before swerving a bit, causing him to shake. He looked down at you, who was now gazing at the road ahead. "Hey! Watch it (Y/n)! We gotta be careful!" The car then shook again from a bump, but it wasn't you. 

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