Prologue: Aftermath

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The blinding light shined as it covered Yusho Sakaki. Once it faded, he opened his eyes to see a bright white room around him. 

"Yusho?" said a womanly voice as Yusho turned to see his wife, Yoko Sakaki. 

"Yoko? What are you doing here?" Yusho asked as he gave Yoko a hug. 

"I'm not sure, I just got here." Yoko responded. 

"Yusho Sakaki." said a another voice as the couple turn to see...

"Leo Akaba!" Yusho shouted surprised. 

"What are you doing here?" Yusho asked.

Before Leo could answer, a bright light shined to reveal Ray Akaba. 

"Ray... is that you?" Leo asked. 

Ray nodded, holding her arms out to him. 

"Hello, Oto-san." Ray said with a smile. 

Leo Akaba ran up to his daughter, pulling her into a crushing hug. 

Ray laughs in response as she hugs him back. 

A second light appears as it reveals Zarc. 

Zarc appeared nearby Ray as he observed the scientist and his daughter. 

"Zarc." Yusho called out to the silver haired boy. 

Zarc turned in Yusho's direction, appearing slightly awkward.

"Hi?" Zarc said confusedly. 

Yusho and Yoko gave chuckles as they got closer to Zarc. 

"You really look like my son, Yuya." Yoko said. 

"Well, that's because... Yuya is a part of me." Zarc said. 

This surprised Yoko as she turned to look at her husband who nodded. 

"In fact, those other boys who look like Yuya are a part of me as well." Zarc continues. 

"I'm the original, you could say." Zarc says. 

Back with Ray and Leo Akaba, their hug finally ended as Ray presses a kiss on her father's cheek. 

"I would love to go back with you. But I must stay here with Zarc." Ray finally says. 

Leo Akaba is quiet though he holds Ray tightly to himself. 

"I don't want you gone." Leo Akaba says. 

"I know, but it's not up to me. If I don't, Zarc can get out of hand easily. I must stay with him." Ray explains again. 

Leo Akaba simply just nods as he hugs Ray again before releasing her. 

"I just came to say goodbye." Ray said. 

"Good luck." Yusho says as Zarc laughs. 

"Well, she and I will be gone for a while so, it will quite a ride. "We have a lot to do," she says." Zarc explains. 

Then, Yoko presses a kiss on Zarc's cheek and he gets flustered. 

"H-hey! T-that's not fair!" Zarc whines as the couple laughs. 

"Sorry, I couldn't resist. You look so much like Yuya. If you're a part of Yuya, you must be important to him as well." Yoko says. 

"I guess..." Zarc says. 

"Zarc!" Ray called to the silver haired boy. 

Zarc immediately perked up and walked closer to Ray who grabbed his hand. 

"Ready?" Ray asked. 

"Ready." Zarc responded. 

Another blinding bright light filled the room as the three adults found themselves in Maiami City. 


Zarc and Ray have become gods of the Yugioh Universe, and are changing the Yugioh Universe so that the bad things that happened may never happen again. 

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