Chapter 8: History of the Dimensions

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Pendulum Dimension:

Yuya was an excitable child trying to be like his father, Yusho Sakaki.

Flashback Start

"Happy Birthday, Yuya." Yusho said as he presented a box wrapped in wrapping paper to Yuya.

Yuya happily took the present and opened it quickly as he opened the box to reveal a blue pendulum wrapped in silver wings.

Yuya's eyes lit up and he held out the pendulum in awe.

"It's so beautiful." Yuya said as he watched it swing back and forth.

"Think of it as a good luck charm. Even when things aren't going your way, just know like a pendulum, the odds will swing in your favour once again." Yusho said.

Yuya nodded happily as he placed the pendulum around his neck.

"Thanks, Otou-san!" Yuya said with a smile.

Flashback End

Yuya will always try to act like Yusho every time.

Flashback Start

Yuya watched the TV in awe as Yusho flew around in the air with his ace monster, Sky Magician.

Then, Yusho and Yuya spoke at the same time with Yuya imitating Yusho's behaviour and movement.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The fun has just begun!"

Flashback End

You also can't forget when Yuya pendulum summoned for the first time.

"Swing Pendulum! More and more!" Yuya calls as his pendulum swings back and forth, hanging on his neck.

"I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 1 Stargazer Magician and Scale 8 Timegazer Magician!"

He placed the cards in their respective Pendulum zones. His duel disk lit up as the word 'PENDULUM' appeared in bright rainbow colours.

"Swing, Pendulum of the Soul! Draw an arc of light across the ether!" The world around him seemed to light up as rainbows streamed through the blue sky.

"Pendulum Summon! Come Forth, my Monster Servants!"

Xyz Dimension:

Flashback Start

Yuto entered the Heartland Academy as he looked around. He was dressed in the green second-year school uniform.

"Hey, Yuto! Over here!" A voice called as Yuto turned to look.

There stood Shun and Ruri who was waving at him. Yuto walked over to them.

"So, what do you think?" Ruri asked.

"It's quite amazing. Very different from my old school." Yuto said.

"Hey, Shun, Ruri!" called a new voice belonging to a boy with spiky black and red hair.

"Oh, Yuma! Hey." Ruri said with a smile.

"Yuto, this is Yuma. Yuma, this is my friend, Yuto." Ruri introduced.

"Hey there! I'm Yuma Tsukomo!" Yuma said excitedly. "Do you duel? Because you can learn a whole lot about a person when they duel!" Yuma said.

"Sure, you're on. My name is Yuto Fukumoto. Nice to meet you." Yuto said.

Yuto and Yuma stood against each other in the duel arena.

"Alright, let's go! Duel Disk, set! D-gazer, set! Duel Target, Lock on! Kattobingu, ore!" Yuma shouted as he activated his duel disk and placed the gazer over his left eye.

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