Chapter 5: Maiami City

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Once Yusho and Yuya came through the rainbow portal, Yuya felt exhausted from the exciting day he had.

Yusho bid Yuya goodbye as he left to go report to LSD Headquarters. 

Yuya left LSD as he walked happily through the streets.

"Yuya!" called a loud voice as Yuya turned to see his best friend since childhood. 

"Yuzu!" Yuya said as the tomato haired boy hugged a pink haired girl with twin tails tied with ribbons and flowers. 

"How are you? How was the trip to the other dimensions?" Yuzu asked. 

"I'm doing okay. Oh, the trip was awesome! I got to meet so many people!" Yuya exclaimed as he went on a talking spree about all the types of people he met. 

"So, there's a person who looks like me, you say?" Yuzu asked. 

"Yeah! She looks just like you! Except her hair is blue and she wears a ponytail and she is a tomboy compared to you." Yuya said, as he counted on his fingers. 

"I hope to meet this Serena..." Yuzu said. 

"So, who is this Yuto that has caught your eye?" Yuzu asked teasingly as Yuya blushed. 

"Well, he's really cool! And really nice! And he has these grey eyes that look so calming..." Yuya mused as he looked at the sky. 

"Looks like someone is in love." Yuzu said, grinning. 

"It's not like that at all! I... like him, but not that way... I think." Yuya said as he looked away, blushing. 

"Sure, keep telling yourself that." Yuzu said as she walked ahead of Yuya. 

"Yuzu! I tell you, it's not like that!" Yuya yelled after his pink haired friend. 

Yuya and Yuzu walked together to Yuya's house as Yuzu left, waving goodbye to Yuya. 

Yuya entered his house as Yoko greeted him. Then, Yuya goes to rest in his bedroom as he looks through his deck before stopping when he sees his Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. 

"Hey, Odd-Eyes. You did amazing today. Everyone was so strong today. Yuri is fearsome. Yusei was so amazing, wasn't he? I hope to be as great as him." Yuya said, looking up at the ceiling. 

Yuya softly closed his eyes as he dreamed of a pair of grey eyes that belonged to the boy named Yuto. 

The next morning, Yuya headed to his dueling school, Yushou Duel School. He greeted Yuzu and the other students, Sora Shiunin, an adorable blue haired boy, Ayu Ayukawa, a red haired girl and Tatsuya Yamashiro, another blue haired boy who dressed quite formally. 

"Hey, Sora! What's up?" Yuya said brightly. 

"Nothing much right now. Oh, did you hear there's a dueling champion visiting our school!" Sora said. 

"What? Really? Since when?" Yuya asked surprised and shocked. 

"Since now. They're talking to Hiragi-san now." Sora said. 

"Well, let's go see!" Yuya said, grabbing Sora's hand and racing to the room that the school uses as a private office. 

Yuya and Sora peeked through into the room as they saw Shuzo Hiragi, one of the founders of the school, with Yuya's father, Yusho Sakaki. There was also Nico Smiley who was excitedly talking to two individuals. 

They were two males who could past as twins, especially with their similar hair colour and hairstyle. They were also dressed in the same outfit yet one of them wore their jacket like a cape, similar to Yuya when he was younger. 

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