Chapter 1: Soulmates

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When Yuya woke up that day, he blinked as he sat, stretching his arms, yawning. He rubbed his eyes, blinking again.

The sun had streamed into his room, providing a warm light.

"Alright, alright, I'm awake." Yuya said as he moved the blanket away and climbed out of his warm bed.

His feet touched the floor as he stretched again before leaving through his bedroom door, meeting two adorable pets at his feet.

"Hello, En and Core." Yuya said as he picked up En, a dog while Core, a cat, cuddled his leg.

Yuya smiled as he gave the two pets nuzzles before leaving to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, he brushed his teeth and washed his face, feeling more awake now.

He tried to style his messy hair before giving up once again.

He walked to his bedroom, closing the door.

Few minutes later, he was dressed in an orange button up shirt with straight green pants.

He wore his school jacket with crimson wristbands and black sleeves. His shoes were a familiar style to usual shoes. He also wore a black choker and his signature goggles and blue pendulum pendant.

He smiled, satisfied as he slid down the pole in his house, landing on the floor dramatically.

"Hey, Okaa-san!" he called as he entered the kitchen to see his mother in an apron, watching a video on a tablet.

"Good Morning, Yuya! Your breakfast is coming in a moment." His mother, Yoko Sakaki, said.

Yuya nodded as he sat down at the dining table, waiting exactly a moment when a plate of pancakes were placed in front of him.

He smiled brightly, drooling excitedly as he started eating the pancakes he loved so much.

Yoko smiled at Yuya as she left to go finish what she had to do.

Once he finished eating and was satisfied, he was given a bento box from his mom as she wished him good luck for his day.

Yuya quickly grabbed his school bag before running out of his house.

Today wasn't just any day.

Today was the day he got to see his father and what the surprise project he was doing!

Today was the day he got to see his father and what the surprise project he was doing!

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When Yuto woke up, he felt strange as he looked around his room. Nothing was out of place though.

His room was always quite dark as the walls were a grey colour with his furniture being black.

The only colour that stood out was the occasional violet or green.

He sighed as he got up from his bed. He stretched as he walked to the bedroom door, opening it to see the familiar and brighter hallway.

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