Chapter 7: Dimension Counterparts

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It was a surprise for Yuya when Yuto, Yugo and Yuri fell out of the portal. 


"Get off of me!" 

"You get off of me!" 


The three other boys looked up as they all gave sheepish expressions.

"Sorry about that..." Yuto said, getting up off the floor. 

"I just wanted to see you and you know, I asked the scientists and just uhh, ran through it?" Yugo said, laughing. 

"It seems we all had the same idea." Yuri said. 

"Well, I'm happy to see you guys!" Yuya said as he gave each of the other boys tight hugs. 

"Well, at least I can show you to Yuzu now!" Yuya laughed. 

Yuzu looked shocked as she stared at the other counterparts. 

"You really look like Yuya..." She said. 

She gave a rather intense look at Yuto in particular. 

"So, he's the one who caught Yuya's eye... I can see why." Yuzu thought with a saddened smile. 

"It's nice to meet you all." Yuzu said, giving a polite bow in greeting. 

Later on, two girls fell out of the portal. 

"Rin?!" Yugo shouted as he helped Rin stand up. 

"Serena? What are you doing here?" Yuri asked as he helped her up. 

"Yugo, where the hell did you go?! You had me worried sick!" Rin yelled as she shook Yugo roughly making the other boy yell out. 

"Sorry, I just really wanted to see Yuya again!" Yugo said back. 

"The professor was wondering where you were. You know, he doesn't like you out of his sight." Serena said. 

"Yeah, I know. But he can't keep me there forever." Yuri said annoyed. 

"So, yeah, Yuzu, look! She looks just like you!" Yuya said as he gestured to Serena. 

"Hey there. I'm Serena." She said, holding out a hand. 

"It's nice to see you. I'm Yuzu Hiragi." Yuzu said, grasping the other girl's hand. 

Their bracelets glowed in pink and violet. 

"Where did you get that?" Serena said as she observed her bracelet. 

"It was with me since the beginning of my life." Yuzu said. 

"Huh?" Rin looked at her wrist as her bracelet glowed green. 

"Looks like you're one of us too." Serena said with a smile. 

"Well then, I'm Rin. Nice to meet you all." Rin said with a gentle smile. 

Then, Yuzu, Serena and Rin left together to talk and spend time with each other. 

Yuzu was quite happy to meet her counterparts. 

"What do you guys want to do now?" Yuya asked. "Now, that we are all here." 

"I actually didn't think that through." Yugo said with a laugh. 

"Well, I mean, we could duel." Yuto said. 

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