Chapter 3: Duel Academia

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Yusho Sakaki eventually came back to get Yuya. It was noon then. 

"Okay, Yuya, say goodbye. We have to go now." Yusho said as Yuya sighed disappointedly. 

"Okay, Otou-san." Yuya said. 

Yuya ran back to the group of Xyz duelists as he gave a bright goodbye. Especially giving hugs to Yuma and Yuto. 

"Goodbye!" Yuya called to them as he followed his father to the place when they first transported to the Xyz Dimension. 

Yusho and Yuya held hands again as they walked through the rainbow portal. 

This time, Yuya came face-to-face with a group of people waiting in front of the portal as he came out. 

There were two adult men, one dressed in purple, the other dressed in maroon. Beside the person dressed in purple were two teenagers that looked to be his age. One was a girl with blue hair tied in a ponytail with a yellow ribbon while the other was a boy with purple and pink hair that was shaped like a cabbage. Beside the person dressed in maroon was two older-looking teenagers. One was tall boy with two-toned brown hair while the other was a tall boy with teal hair. 

"Greeting, Yusho Sakaki. Welcome to Duel Academia." said the man dressed in maroon. 

"Glad to be here, Chancellor Samejima, Professor Akaba." Yusho answered back. 

"And you must be Yuya Sakaki." Chancellor Samejima said, turning to Yuya. 

"Nice to meet you, Chancellor." Yuya said, bowing. 

Yuya turned to look at Professor Akaba as he is surprised by the intense, focused gaze, the professor seemed to give him. 

"Professor? Is something wrong?" Yuya asked. 

What Yuya didn't see was the intense stare of Yusho looking at Professor Akaba. 

"No, nothing is wrong... Yuya." Professor Akaba said. 

"Anyway, but allow me to introduce Judai Yuki and Johan Anderson. Judai is the top duelist at the Central Academia and Johan is the owner of one of the most powerful monsters, the Crystal Beasts and the one and only Rainbow Dragon." Samejima said. 

"Hi, Yuya!" Judai greeted. 

"Hello, Yuya-kun!" Johan said brightly. 

"Hello, Judai-kun, Johan-kun." Yuya greeted back. 

"Also, allow me to introduce our current top duelists of Academia, Yuri and Serena." Samejima said. 

Yuya turned to Yuri and Serena as he looked at them. His eyes widen at the facial similarities of Yuri to himself and Serena to... 

"You look like my best friend, Yuzu." Yuya said. 

"Really?" Serena asked. 

"And we look alike." Yuya said to Yuri. 

"Well, nice to meet you, too." Yuri said politely. 

"He really does look like you, Yuri! You just have different colour hair and eyes." Judai said as he pushed Yuri to stand next to Yuya. 

"See, I'm right, aren't I, Johan?" Judai asked. 

"Yeah, I can see it, Judai." Johan said. 

"Of course, you two see it." Yuri said, rolling his eyes. 

"Alright, now, how about you guys take Yuya to look around while Yusho and I discuss things?" Samejima suggested. 

"Okay!" Judai said brightly as he grabbed Yuya's hand pulling him away from the group as Johan, Yuri and Serena followed. 

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